
Scientific activities, prospects for the development of SVE and other issues were discussed at the Academic Council

Scientific activities, prospects for the development of SVE and other issues were discussed at the Academic Council

The Academic Council was opened with the awarding of teachers, staff and students of the university with certificates of honor and letters of thanks. The agenda during the meeting discussed competition cases, scientific and innovative activities of the university, the work of the college of high technologies and the prospects for the development of open source software at the university and many other issues.
BSTU named after. V.G. Shukhov was ranked among the best universities in the country in the first subject National Aggregate Rating

BSTU named after. V.G. Shukhov was ranked among the best universities in the country in the first subject National Aggregate Rating

The subject National Aggregate Rating was the first attempt to assess all Russian universities in subject areas. It accumulates subject ratings of leading Russian agencies, popular world subject ratings, subject rating according to the Hirsch index, rating based on the results of assessing the quality of education, as well as subject rating based on the results of an independent assessment of programs.
Fergana and Belgorod were connected by an interuniversity lecture hall

Fergana and Belgorod were connected by an interuniversity lecture hall

In March flagship university BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov and the Fergana Polytechnic Institute for the first time held an international interuniversity online lecture hall. Leading scientists of higher educational institutions discussed topics that are relevant and important for the construction industry.
New ways for the development of high-tech industries

New ways for the development of high-tech industries

At the end of 2020, many scientists of the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov became winners of various competitions, holders of awards and grants, including the prize named after the great engineer Vladimir Shukhov.

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