A new level of development of social lifts for youth in a flagship university

On April 9-10, Sochi is hosting a project seminar with rectors of Russian universities "On the same wavelength with universities", organized by the presidential platform "Russia - a country of opportunities".
The seminar is devoted to the issues of supporting and increasing the effectiveness of various forms of identifying talented youth and the development of social lifts for them. Also, the event will discuss the joint implementation of the program for creating centers of competence for students. The rector of the university and the vice-rector for continuing education  are taking part in the seminar from the pivotal university of the region.
As part of the seminar, more than 30 cooperation agreements were concluded with leading institutions. BSTU them. V.G. Shukhov was one of the institutions that signed this agreement. The main goal of the bilateral partnership is the development of social lifts for the young and talented,where will soon be created competence centers. “The creation of centers for students will be a unique opportunity to develop the professional qualities of young people. At the first stage, students will undergo an assessment of leadership and management skills and competencies, and based on the results obtained, students will be offered personal educational trajectories of development. Such an approach to identifying the various skills of young people cannot but affect the training of professional competitive personnel who will meet all the requirements of the world labor market, ”said the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov .
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