
Energy supply

In accordance with the order of the Commission for State Regulation of Prices and Rates in the Belgorod region of December 17, 2009 No. 12/34, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education in Belgorod "V.G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University" is included in the Register of Energy Supply Organizations of the Belgorod Region, and state regulation and control is exercised, described in the section below, under the following registration numbers:

  • in section II "Supply of heat energy (power)", under registration number 2.77;
  • in section IV "Transmission and distribution of heat energy (power) services", under registration number 4.79.

Gas supply system

All gas consumption facilities are equipped with commercial metering units adapted to remote evaluation of gas consumption in real time. Annual consumption of BSTU gas-consuming units (gas stoves of dormitories No. 1 and No. 3, transportable boiler plants, forging centre, educational and experimental production "Khrustalik") is from 1.8 million m3 to 5.2 million m3of gas, which depends on the external temperature in the heating season .

Water supply and water disposal

Water supply of the university is conducted by the public water supply system.

There are 23 commercial water meters for recording the consumption of household and drinking water, namely, in dormitories No. 1,2,3,4 including classrooms; food facilities; the central and academic buildings No. 1,2,3,4; gyms No. 1, 2; educational and cultural center; library buildings No.1,2; experimental manufactories.

The annual water consumption is approximately 300.000 m3. These works are performed by Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Gorvodokanal."

Electric power supply

Electric power supply of academic buildings and facilities of BSTU is provided by municipal electic networks. All consumption of electricity is recorded by meters. Electrical networks with a voltage of 0.4 kV belong to the university. The total electricity consumption per year is about 7.5 million kV / h.

Hot water

Hot water supply of academic buildings and facilities is performed by university autonomous sources of heat energy via closed system, as well as by municipal sources of public heat supply via closed system in the amount of        15.000 m3.

Heat supply system

Transportable boiler installations are more commonly used now as private heat sources for industrial facilities, residential and office buildings. These installations meet all the requirements of SES (energy supply systems), environmental and fire inspections.

5 modern transportable boiler installations (TBI) have been built on the territory of the university, with a total capacity of 20 MW. 4 boiler houses provide all demanded energy for the university, one of them provides the apartment building "Silver Horseshoe" with heat and hot water. That’s why, 4 out of 5 autonomous transportable boiler installations (TBI) with a capacity of 17 MW provide all the academic buildings and facilities of the university with heat energy required for heating, ventilation and hot water supply.

The heat supply system is two-circuit and independent. The internal systems are connected by means of individual heat units operating in the automatic mode of maintaining the heat-storage medium temperature, depending on the external air temperature during the entire heating period: T1 = f (tex.a)

The make-up water is fully processed with the "Complex-6" installation. Maintenance of feeding,network and make-up pumps, boiler units in the energy-saving mode is provided by the automatic control system ACS–MP–11. Its work is based on modern logic controllers.

Transportable boiler installation TBI No.1 and 2 supply with heat energy academic buildings No.4 and 5 and the cultural and educational centre.

Two boiler units "Vulkan" type VK–600 are installed in these TBIs to provide heating, ventilation and hot water.

Transportable boiler installation TBI No.5,0 supply with heat energy the library, the central and academic buildings No. 1,2,3, the sport department No.1, the centre of high technologies (CHT) and the wellness complex No.1

Three boiler units "Vulkan" type VK–1500 are installed in this TBI to provide heating and ventilation; one boiler unit "Vulkan" type VK-500 is installed to provide hot water supply system.

Transportable boiler installation TBI No.5,1 supply with heat energy food facilities,  dormitories No. 1,2,4,5,and the building of Belgorod Institute of Engineering and Economics.

Two boiler units "Vulkan" type VK–1500 and two boiler units “Vulkan” type VK-1000 are installed in this TBI.

Transportable boiler installation TBI No.4 supply with heat energy the gym No.2, academic building No.6, the wellness centre No. 2, greenhouse, educational and production laboratory for motor transport services.

Two boiler units "Kvant" with the capacity of 1,6 MW and one boiler unit with the capacity of 0,8 MW are installed in this TBI.

All data of the above sources of heat energy (HES), individual heat units (IHU) is collected in a single information system and sent to the central controller’s office to analyze the data and make decisions on heat consumption optimization.

The boiler units were made by ZAO "Belogorye" (Shebekino, Belgorod region).

The length of heat networks belonging to  BSTU is 6.88 km in single-tube performance.

Street Lighting

Street lighting of the university territory is in an energy-saving mode, for which modern lamps with energy-saving lamps are used.

Alternative energy sources

Based on the implemented  regional interuniversity distributed demonstration zone for energy saving by BSTU and adapted for use in the educational process, an energy efficient hot water supply (HWS) control system of the academic building with use of  solar thermal collectors as part of interactive educational laboratories was created.

The solar plant of hot water supply system is installed on the roof of the sports department in two rows, in each row there are 6 solar collectors connected in a parallel-series circuit.

Solar collectors of the "Sokol" type are used as the beam-receiving elements of the system. Their parameters are:

  • total area — 2.05 m2;
  • active area — 1.4 m2;
  • volume of heat-storage medium — 1.95 m2;
  • maximum operating pressure — 0,7 MPa;
  • the maximum output temperature is 950 °C;
  • absorption coefficient — 0.92÷0.96;
  • degree of emissivity factor — 0,03÷0,12;
  • Total active area of ​​solar collectors — 22.8 m2;
  • The capacity of the solar power plant for hot water supply is 1.8÷2.5 m3 / day.

Its salient feature is that the solar power plant can work in a combined mode: if hot water does not meet the standard of 55÷50 °C, then it is heated up to the standard temperature  by heat-storage medium of the heat supply system.

The solar power plant can transmit an excess of heat received from solar collectors to the heat network for different purposes.

A wind power plant with a capacity of 2000 W operates in BSTU. It is designed for autonomous electricity supply for users in areas where the average annual wind speed is not less than 4–5 m / s. The installation works in the following modes:

  • in the charging the (AB) battery mode to power electrical appliances with direct current and constant voltage of 48 V, with power consumption up to 2000 W;
  • in the no-battery mode — for the heat demand;
  • in the mode of joint (parallel) work with the solar battery (SB), with capacity up to 200 W, providing energy for the charge of the battery and to the heat demand. The wind power plant provides a street lighting network of mechanical department.

Attention: FSBEI HE "V.G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University" informs that there is no technical capability for additional connection of external sources to the university's heat supply system since 2012, because the heat supply services of the FSBEI HE "V.G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University" are not the main university duties, and the existing heat supply system is created only for the university facilities provision.

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