
Natalya Cherkashina: from plastic bags to space ideas

Natalya Cherkashina: from plastic bags to space ideas

Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie, Sophia Kovalevskaya… — you must admit, women who have left their mark on science can be counted on the fingers. In general, science has always been considered the privilege of men. Both of these conclusions are ready to be challenged at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, because here today not only male scientists are engaged in science and move it forward. Meet our interlocutor - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, a researcher who made a significant contribution to the development of space materials science and the creation of a new generation of rocket and space technology Natalya Cherkashina.
Scolarships from  the Governor of the Belgorod Region

Scolarships from the Governor of the Belgorod Region

Today, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov awarded nominal scholarships to doctoral and postgraduate students of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, successfully implementing scientific projects and grants, active participants in competitions, conferences and seminars at the international and all-Russian levels.
Shukhov school opened the season

Shukhov school opened the season

he school, was organized in 2018, is periodically updated and improved by the teachers of the Department of Expertise and Property Management under the guidance and with the direct participation of the head of the department Andrey Naumov as the main speaker. Employees of the building information modeling laboratory BIMLab, the laboratory for innovative knowledge exchange LIKE and the Center for Forensic Construction and Technical Expertise and Design take an active part in the project - competent and qualified specialists in the field of digital real estate modeling, structural analysis, digital construction surveys, a number of innovative construction technologies and expertise buildings and structures.
Minister of Science and Higher Education congratulates students across the country on the holiday

Minister of Science and Higher Education congratulates students across the country on the holiday

alery Falkov, congratulating university students on Student Day, noted that today's students are the specialists on whom the future of our country will depend tomorrow. “It is you who will develop Russia and lead the country forward. I wish you courage and good luck in achieving your goals, bright victories and an inquisitive mind. Let your student years be a reliable foundation for your life.”
Strengthening international relations

Strengthening international relations

An important event took place in relations between Russia and Angola - an agreement between the Governments of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Angola on the mutual recognition of education, qualifications and academic degrees came into force.

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