Shukhov school opened the season

The school, was organized in 2018, is periodically updated and improved by the teachers of the Department of Expertise and Property Management under the guidance and with the direct participation of the head of the department Andrey Naumov as the main speaker. Employees of the building information modeling laboratory BIMLab, the laboratory for innovative knowledge exchange LIKE and the Center for Forensic Construction and Technical Expertise and Design take an active part in the project - competent and qualified specialists in the field of digital real estate modeling, structural analysis, digital construction surveys, a number of innovative construction technologies and expertise buildings and structures.
 The school lasts seven weeks and is dedicated to the current aspects of digital modeling, design, analysis and real estate valuation. The project enjoys constant success among students of construction departments of universities and industry practitioners in the regions of the Russian Federation.
 Gathering representatives of more than a dozen specialized universities and organizations of the country, the school is traditionally held in the form of a full-time summer and winter online workshop. This time, more than 60 students of the final courses of construction profiles from the Hulunbuir Institute of the Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia (PRC), a long-term partner of BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov, who has been maintaining scientific and educational relations with the departments of the Civil Engineering Institute for many years. The program of the Winter School, held in the format of online master classes, was updated and adapted in accordance with the requirements of a foreign university that instills in its graduates digital building competencies - generalization and development of building engineering skills, including calculation, design, modeling and assessment of the resource intensity of building structures, buildings and facilities using modern software and innovative research equipment available at our university.
In the seven-week blocks of the school, students, under the guidance of teachers, employees of university laboratories and involved specialists, get to know and in practice explore the activities of a modern digital civil engineer at key stages of design and expert work - from the basic provisions of structural mechanics, the general principles of finite element analysis and the design of building structures to tools for digitalization of survey activities, high-level information modeling of construction objects, assessment of their technical condition, resources spent on construction and presentation of modeling results in innovative VR and AR formats. The practical exercises of the school are based on the use of a line of popular industry software used in real design practice - ARCHICAD, LIRA-SAPR, GrandSmet, VR Concept with master classes from software manufacturers.
Students of the school gain practical skills in working with modern measuring and diagnostic equipment in the construction industry, practice building and working with spatial scanners and the point clouds they create, try themselves in designing real steel and reinforced concrete building structures, learn the basics of parametric modeling of object libraries and get acquainted with effective virtual reality tools in the construction industry. One second stage of the Winter School is over. The organizers are starting active preparations for the Shukhov Summer School-2022, which will traditionally be held at the university in July and will bring together representatives of a dozen Russian regions from Kaliningrad and Crimea to Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. “I am sure that the Summer School, full of master classes from industry practitioners, an extensive cultural program and engineering competitions, will allow in 2022 to gather, unite and train young professionals, instill the soft industry skills necessary for a modern successful civil engineer and receive the same wonderful feedback about an unforgettable time of professional development and creative communication, which the students and leaders of the student teams of the Shukhov Summer School 2021 left us.” - notes the main speaker of the school, head of the department of EUN Andrey Naumov.
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