Congratulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education on the Day of Postgraduate Student

The Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov congratulated all young scientists on the holiday and wished them scientific achievements and perseverance in achieving their goals. “Postgraduate studies provide an opportunity not only to take the first steps in research, but also to work on your own projects, become part of a research team and get the first experience of teaching and mentoring.

Today we need young, talented and ambitious guys who will boldly go to the new and expand the boundaries of what they have learned. We annually increase the number of budget places in graduate school in order to provide more students with access to continue research activities,” said Valery Falkov. According to the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, today more than 87.7 thousand postgraduate students study at Russian universities and scientific and educational institutes.

This is almost 3.5 thousand more than in the previous year. Last year, more than 1,600 graduate students received funds for their fundamental research, and 920 projects were supported. Recall that in December, at the Congress of Young Scientists, a roadmap was presented to improve measures to support young researchers. The document takes into account the tasks of the national project "Science and Universities", the state program "Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation", the draft action plan for the implementation of the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation.

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