
Day of National Unity

Day of National Unity

Dear teachers, staff and students of the Belgorod State Technological University named after Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov!
Best practices in working with international students

Best practices in working with international students

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov and the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia held a regional webinar "The best practices of Russian universities in working with foreign students."
New recruitment for the engineering and racing team SHUKHOV RACING TEAM

New recruitment for the engineering and racing team SHUKHOV RACING TEAM

In early October, the first meeting of candidates for the university engineering and sports team SHUKHOV RACING TEAM was held. The children learned about the team's activities, its participation in the international educational project "Formula Student" ( and how to develop the competencies of a modern car engineer in demand on the market by participating in interesting and exciting SRT projects.
Four students of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov won  governor's scholarships

Four students of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov won governor's scholarships

The solemn ceremony was held on Saturday, October 16, 2021 at the October Youth Cultural Center and brought together the best representatives of the region's students. The annual personal scholarship is awarded to talented children for great academic success, activity in social, scientific, volunteer and creative activities.
Our students will take part in the finals of the international Olympiad

Our students will take part in the finals of the international Olympiad

From 12 to 15th November, the final of the XIII International Olympiad in the field of information technology "IT-Planet 2020/21" ( will take place, one of the largest IT competitions in Russia, which is aimed at bringing educational institutions closer together and business structures in Russia and the CIS countries in order to improve the quality of education.
University delegation at the International Educational Forum in Minsk

University delegation at the International Educational Forum in Minsk

From 4th to 9th of October, Minsk and Brest hosted the International Educational Forum of Unity of Foreign Graduates of Belarusian (Soviet) Universities and CIS Countries. The forum has become a platform for establishing business contacts for further cooperation between countries in the field of education.
Regional Science Festival

Regional Science Festival

In the Year of Science and Technology, the opening ceremony of the IX Regional Science Festival, which is part of the general All-Russian Festival "Nauka 0+", took place in the Belgorod Region. More than 250 events will be held within the framework of the holiday.

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