Real masterpieces will decorate the campus of the university

At the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, the VI International Architectural Plein Air has come to the end.
In the Year of Science and Technology, sculptors and architects from Syria, Egypt, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia became its participants. Together with foreign guests, teachers and students of the Department of Architectural Environment, Architecture and Urban Planning took part in the plein air. For ten days, the artists worked on the territory of the flagship university, creating unique sculptural compositions from stone. This year the craftsmen turned to another type of decorative and applied art - woodcarving. The secrets of their skills were shared by: Issa Deeb (Syria), Desouki Hatem Hamed (Egypt), Elsayad Mohamed Reda (Egypt), Jamil Essam Yusif (Saudi Arabia), Yakub Husain Isa Yusuf (Bahrain), El Servi Osama (Egypt), Samar Magdu Abdelsamie Elbassal (Egypt), Samar Dib (Syria).
Real works of art will decorate the territory of the BSTU campus. , among which: the famous Newton's apple tree, which pushed the scientist to the discovery of the law of universal gravitation, a bust of the founder of the scientific worldview in Russia, Mikhail Lomonosov and other famous scientists. “I thank all the participants of the plein air for not only creating works of art, but also becoming teachers for our students. You taught them the skill of creating masterpieces from stone, ”said the rector of the university Sergei Glagolev. All created works will become part of the open-air sculpture museum - the museon. It will open next spring during the People's Diplomacy Forum.
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