
Flagship university at the VIII Regional Science Festival

Flagship university at the VIII Regional Science Festival

The VIII Regional Science Festival was held in the Belgorod Region, which is part of one large general All-Russian festival Nauka 0+. At this year's festival, science and art are organically intertwined, which forms new forms of knowledge.
We build skyscrapers

We build skyscrapers

The summer of 2020 was marked by a landmark event for the construction teams - for the first time, the fighters of the student construction team of the B. V.G. Shukhov took part in the construction of the Lakhta Center skyscraper in St. Petersburg - the highest in Russia and Europe.
The partner company of the university held a number of meetings with students

The partner company of the university held a number of meetings with students

Since September 2020, a series of career guidance events for students and alumni with representatives of the EFKO company has been implemented for the second time at the flagship university. Vice-rector for continuing education Sergei Mikhailichenko noted that a high-tech employer, despite the food and agro-industrial profile, is interested in exactly the graduates of the "technologist": energy engineers, IT specialists, marketers, etc.
Shukhov Tower got a new life

Shukhov Tower got a new life

On the Oka, restoration work took place on the Shukhov tower, one of the most popular places in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The monument to the Russian architectural avant-garde was created by the famous engineer Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov, whose name is the main university of the Belgorod region.
Representative of the flagship university is in the list of Golden Names of Higher School  2020

Representative of the flagship university is in the list of Golden Names of Higher School 2020

Senior Researcher of the Research Laboratory of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, Ph.D., Associate Professor Natalya Igorevna Cherkashina became the winner in the nomination "Young Scientific and Pedagogical Talents" following the results of the All-Russian competition "Golden Names of Higher School" 2020. Winner status is the recognition of a candidate's achievements by the professional community.

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