
Academic council was held at the university

Academic council was held at the university

A meeting of the Academic Council was held at the flagship university. The agenda discussed the development of e-learning and distance learning technologies, the development of educational programs, as well as the approval of the rules for admission to the university in 2021 and regulatory documents governing admission to the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.
The Council of rectors of universities of the Belgorod region was held

The Council of rectors of universities of the Belgorod region was held

The meeting of the Council of Rectors of the Belgorod Region Universities was held in a new format with the use of remote technologies. Most of the participants were present in the hall of the Center for High Technologies of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, the rest took part in the remote mode
Important topics were discussed at the seminar on the independent assessment of qualifications

Important topics were discussed at the seminar on the independent assessment of qualifications

On the basis of the flagship university of the Belgorod region, on October 16, a regional seminar “Assessment of qualifications. Professional growth trajectory ". The seminar was devoted to the development of an independent qualification assessment system, including in a regional context, as part of an independent assessment of the quality of training of university graduates.
The final round of the FQW competition was held with the participation of Russian and foreing universities

The final round of the FQW competition was held with the participation of Russian and foreing universities

From the15 to 17th of October at the flagship university held the II (final) round of the All-Russian review-competition of FQP in the specialty "Land transport and technological means" and FQW masters in the direction of training "Land transport and technological complexes" in the videoconference mode, as well as the competition of educational methodical and scientific literature in the direction of 23.00.00 NMS FUMO. The organizers of the competition were the Department of Hoisting-and-Transport and Road Machines of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.
The university continues cooperation with the Embassy of Fance in Russia

The university continues cooperation with the Embassy of Fance in Russia

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov has long and actively worked with the French Embassy in Russia on a range of issues of educational, scientific and cultural cooperation. The Embassy of the French Republic and the French Institute in Russia are the initiators of the annual meetings of French language teachers from Russian universities, in which educational and scientific projects are implemented in French.
The flagship university produces animal protein from fly larvae

The flagship university produces animal protein from fly larvae

The region's flagship university is actively continuing the implementation of the project "Creation of high-tech large-scale production of animal protein from fly larvae." This project is joint, it is carried out by the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, the Agroacademy company and the Institute of Ecology and Evolution named after A.N. Severtsov RAS.

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