
Representatives of BSTU took part in the International Conference RTUCON-2017

Representatives of BSTU took part in the International Conference RTUCON-2017

On the 13th of October the 58th International Powerand Electrical Engineering Conference RTUCON-2017 was held in Riga (Latvia), which gathered more than 150 scientists from leading universities and research institutes of Latvia, Russia, Estonia, Finland, Germany, the United States on the same site of the Riga Technical University , Korea, Egypt, etc. (more than 15 countries).
Interuniversity student conference

Interuniversity student conference

From the 6th of October the NAUKA 0+ Science Festival was held at the Moscow Architectural Institute (Moscow Architectural Institute, Moscow), during which numerous exhibitions, lectures, master classes and other events were organized.
Master pieces of famous Arab sculptors will decorate the BSTU

Master pieces of famous Arab sculptors will decorate the BSTU

International architectural plein-air has come to the end, which gathered artists from Syria, Morocco, Egypt and Kuwait. From early morning until late in the evening for two weeks, famous Arab sculptors worked on marble in the university to give students and employees their creations.
International architectural plein air is solemnly opened

International architectural plein air is solemnly opened

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov hosted the official start of the international architectural plein-air, attended by eight famous artists from Syria, Egypt, Kuwait and Morocco. In two weeks they should create sculptural compositions of marble, which will later decorate the territory of the student campus.
Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church visited BSTU

Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church visited BSTU

Delegation of representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church had visited BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, headed by the lord of Pachomius (Gachichem) - Bishop Vranskim. The guests met with the vice rector for international activities, Professor RV. Lesovik, toured the campus and visited the Serbian Resource Center of the University, who recently received the status of the Institute for Serbian Language and Communication.
Cooperation with countries of the former Yugoslavia

Cooperation with countries of the former Yugoslavia

On the 4 of August visited the delegation consisting of the Chairman of the Association of Alumni of Soviet and Russian Universities from Montenegro, the General Secretary of the Association of Graduates of Soviet and Russian Universities from Serbia PetarPaikovich (Podgorica, Montenegro - Belgrade, Serbia), the representative of the business community A.Zdebsky(Moscow) and the leaders of the Inter-regional Club "Russian-Serbian Dialogue" Y.Osenkov and O.Osenkova (Voronezh) had visited BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

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