
Students visited the sapphires plant «Monocrystal»

Students visited the sapphires plant «Monocrystal»

Belgorod Sapphire Plant «Monocrystal» is one of the world's largest manufacturers of synthetic sapphire for high-tech applications in the electronic and optoelectronic industries. The company is a member of the Coordinating Council of Employers of the University, its representatives participate in job fairs and other career-oriented events. The company pays special attention to the level of professional training of employees.
The team of the flagship university became the prize-winner of the Olympiad on safety of vital activity

The team of the flagship university became the prize-winner of the Olympiad on safety of vital activity

On April 16-18, the third final stage of the All-Russian Student Olympiad for Life Safety was held at Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman. Leading universities of Russia from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Stavropol, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk took part in the event. Flagship University of the Belgorod Region – BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, was represented by a team of students of the group NI-21 Anna Balantseva, Anna Zlatova and Darina Klimenko, led by Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Life Safety A.U. Semeykin.
A cooperation agreement between the flagship university and the All-Russian Children's Center «Orlyonok» has been concluded

A cooperation agreement between the flagship university and the All-Russian Children's Center «Orlyonok» has been concluded

Exhibition of the Moscow International Salon of Education is held in Moscow from 18 to 21 April. On the first day of the exhibition, the meeting of the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, Professor Sergey Glagolev and director of the All-Russian Children's Center «Orlyonok» Alexander Geus was held. During the meeting, an agreement on long-term cooperation between the parties was signed.

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