
Soccer, Soccer

Soccer, Soccer

On January 26, Sports Complex of Belgorod State Tecnological University named after V.G. Shukhov hosted an opening ceremony of the annual mini-soccer tournament for a "Friendship Cup", which was attended by about a hundred people. Not only the fans from other universities came to support their team, but those who are extremely interested in this sport. 8 teams took part in the competition. Apart from BSTU teams Belgorod Institute of Engineering and economics, Belgorod Consumer Cooperation and Law University, Belgorod State Agricultural Academy, junior sports school № 6 , Belgorod State Institute of Culture and Art participated in the competition . Our university, as an organizer and a host of events, was represented by 3 teams composed of graduate and post-graduate students, as well as foreign nationals who came to study in BSTU.
Winter joy at the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens

Winter joy at the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens

the students of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov had the opportunity to continue their acquaintance with the rich traditions of the Russian people. At this time in the hall of the Students Art Center of the University the students celebrated Svyatki - Russian Christmastide the last day of which is January 19, when the day Epiphany is celebrated.
Farewell to the Christmas tree

Farewell to the Christmas tree

A meeting of foreign students of the preparatory faculty with children from kindergarten number 5 has become traditional. These meetings bring up tolerance and kindness towards the others.
Autodesk refresher training for BSTU lecturers

Autodesk refresher training for BSTU lecturers

Within the framework of an agreement on cooperation and strategic partnership with «Autodesk SIS" (USA) faculty members of Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov for the first time were provided free training courses from 16 to 20 of January in Autodesk Inventor program.
Letter of Gratitude from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Russia

Letter of Gratitude from the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to Russia

Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (IRA) in the Russian Federation expresses its deepest gratitude for the assistance in the training of highly qualified specialists to Afghanistan, as well as for high appreciation of the achievements of our students. Embassy of the IRA is convinced that the students can achieve these results owing to well organized work and efforts of the entire teaching staff of Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov.
A Cooperation Agreement with a Canadian firm

A Cooperation Agreement with a Canadian firm

Department "Traffic Safety Management" (Head, Assoc., Ph.D., IA Novikov) at Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov is one of the youngest at our university, that cannot interfere with its active development, constant improvement of academic and research process as well as promoting international cooperation. Recently, the Department staff has concluded an international cooperation agreement with Transoft Solution, a Canadian company.
Preparatory students celebrate holidays

Preparatory students celebrate holidays

On January 13 the students of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens at BSTU celebrated the New Year by the old calendar style. The faculty staff decided to present a holiday for the students. Most of them first discovered the great Russian tradition of celebrating the Old New Year.
A Farewell to the old year ...

A Farewell to the old year ...

During the last weeks before the New Year holiday the students of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens not only managed to successfully complete the first semester, but actively participated in the faculty social life. In this time of the year Preparatory Faculty arranged a series of interesting events.
Bridge of Friendship

Bridge of Friendship

Significant contribution to the international education of students is made by the Regional Resource Centre for French and German languages created in BSTU. The purpose of theme nights arranged by the Centre is not only to provide truthful and interesting information, but also language communication, which helps the students to improve their oral skills and learn more about the language they study.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov formed a Board of affinity groups

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov formed a Board of affinity groups

On December 23, our university held a ceremony with the participation of the Board of affinity groups of international students, studying at BSTU. To preserve cultural diversity, improving education level, developing patriotism and tolerance, as well as to attract foreign students to the social life of the University, the university established affinity groups (national students unions). It brought together 25 chairmen of affinity groups

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