A Farewell to the old year ...


For each student the last days of December are always associated with eliminating the academic "debts", taking tests and examinations. Students of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens at this time not only manage to successfully complete the first semester, but not to forget about the faculty social life. In the last weeks before the New Year Preparatory Faculty arranged a series of interesting events.
On December 16 international students had an important event – an initiation ceremony. The concert was attended by faculty members, international office staff, as well as former preparatory students, for whom the preparatory faculty will always be a family. Some of them were very proud to be given a welcoming speech to address the newly admitted students, who had come to surf the Russian education space and "chew" the granite of science.
With special warmth the students sang the “anthem” of the preparatory faculty, demonstrating not only their vocal skills, but also a good command of Russian. By happy smiles and brighting eyes it was easy to guess that the concert was a success and enjoyed the audience. The party was followed by a disco, where the students were able to dance and express all positive emotions  from the concert.







On December 22, preparatory  students participated at a concert dedicated to the completion of the English Week, held at school № 48. Pupils welcomed with the applause the students from Angola, who have demonstrated their dancing skills and skills of ancient martial art - kapuera. The song "Let There Always Be Sunshine," sung together by schoolchildren and students, made it possible to overcome the language barrier and confirm that all peoples of the world have the same desires and dreams.
On December 23, Belgorod State Youth Library held the best reader contest "Biblioovatsiya-2011." As a result, the best readers were awarded with the honorary library user cards of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree and gifts. The concert program included performance by the students of the preparatory faculty from Zambia and Congo. Zambian National Dance was met with the excitement by the audience, and an aria from the opera Duke of Mantua, Giuseppe Verdi's "Rigoletto" performed by Dada Eliezer has caused a storm of applause. Cooperation within the framework of such events can bring tolerance into the minds of the younger generation.
The last week before the holiday ended with a concert dedicated to the New Year. The event was attended by preparatory and senior students. Stories about the New Year traditions and customs in different countries were accompanied by exciting contests, in which each student was willing to take part. The concert ended with a disco, which was the culmination of all previous hectic weeks. We can only wish that in the coming year the students will show not only good academic performance, but remain the same active participants in the faculty social life.



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