
How do celebrate New Year in Russia

How do celebrate New Year in Russia

How to brighten up the gray days and long cold December evening in Russia - the students of the faculty for foreign citizens of BSTU named after V.G Shukhov got to know this.
International Migrants Day

International Migrants Day

Every 35th person in the world is a migrant . All foreigners in any country face both prospects and difficulties, even if their migration state is temporary , for example - students .
International tea Ceremony in an Orphanage

International tea Ceremony in an Orphanage

On December 14th head of the Regional Ministry of Internal Affairs V. Pesterev and a representative of Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, Head of students department at International Center for International Education and Cooperation D.S. Nosachev visited an orphanage in the town of Severny.
Egyptian colleagues are interested in cooperation

Egyptian colleagues are interested in cooperation

On December 11 at the invitation of Prof. V.V. Strokova the University received the Rector Egyptian-Russian University, Prof. Sherif Helmy . The distinguished guest met with the rector Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov , prof . S.N. Glagolev . This meeting was organized by the Center for International Education and Cooperation .
When the dereams come true

When the dereams come true

On 21-23 November Belgorod State Institute of Arts and Culture and the Department of Design hosted an International Forum "Diverse but equal." Within the framework of the Forum the IV International Competition of Young Fashion Designers' Debut Plus" was held.
Sixty Minutes across the Globe

Sixty Minutes across the Globe

Preparatory faculty for foreign citizens at Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov collected the most creative and initiative teachers as well as the most open and artistically gifted students from around the world . Again it has been confirmed by the event , held on November 22 at the Students Art Centre. About 200 students from 35 countries are currently taking a foundation course at BSTU.
International Students' Day : talking about tolerance

International Students' Day : talking about tolerance

International Students' Day was established on November 17, 1946 at the World Congress of Students , held in Prague. Today International Students' Day is celebrated in many countries , although the program of celebration of this day is different. Students from 70 regions of Russia and more than a thousand representatives of 42 foreign countries are currently studying at Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov .
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims — November 17

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims — November 17

According to the general assembly resolution of UNO, third Sunday of November is the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims. Belgorod State Traffic Safety Inspectorate in cooperation with Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov carried out the event « Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims » with the aim to pay peoples attention to the problem
Creative Collaboration Conquers the Hearts

Creative Collaboration Conquers the Hearts

On November the Students Art hosted the final concert of preparatory faculty for foreign students. . The concert finalized a series of qualifying events for BSTU new students " Hello, we are looking for talents".

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