Egyptian colleagues are interested in cooperation


 On December 11 at the invitation of Prof. V.V. Strokova  the University received the Rector  Egyptian-Russian University, Prof. Sherif  Helmy . The distinguished guest met with the rector Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov , prof . S.N. Glagolev . This meeting was organized by the Center for International Education and Cooperation .
Duringthe conversation the  guest told that he used to study in Russia. Here he was able to get acquainted with the scientific developments of  Russian scientists.


The very name of the Egyptian- Russian University involves active cooperation with universities of the Russian Federation, and particularly with BSTU ,  as construction is  one of the priorities of training at both universities .
As Sherif Helmy was able to appreciate the logistical base of the university, the level of scientific activity, high professionalism of the academic staff, he offered several options for interaction between our universities . " Even now we are ready to send a group of students to study for one semester at your university, where they will learn, take exams and will return to their university . We are interested in getting Russian diplomas for our students. Another option - in July and August, we are ready to accept students who want to learn Arabic . " Egyptian counterpart expressed as a proposal for establishment of a center for scientific collaboration . The guest assured that in case of interest on the Russian side , he will take effort to make it happen.


In turn, Sergei GLAGOLEV proposed to organize tacademic exchanges between universities . Our rector told the guest about the achievements  of Shukhov university , success in educational and research activities .
Then, for a representative of the Arab countries were given a tour of the university , during which he visited the department of architecture.



At the section of nanosystems in building materials science the professor met young scientists involved in this research priorities .


The guest viewed the exhibits in the halls of the museum and exhibition center.
Sherif Helmy got acquainted with the activities of the Youth Innovation Centre "Metamorphoses" and appreciated its products .  And also visited other university laboratories .



The rector of the Egyptian-Russian University also visited the sports complex where he saw gyms and a swimming pool. The professor was also impressed by BSTU security system

 Public Relations Department



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