
Belgorod International Airport named after the engineer Shukhov

Belgorod International Airport named after the engineer Shukhov

The final voting of the contest “Great Names of Russia”, in which Russians could choose names for 42 airports of the country, ended. All the names of the applicants, which passed into the final stage, were determined on the basis of sociological surveys.
At the university tournament school students replenished knowledge of chemistry

At the university tournament school students replenished knowledge of chemistry

A regional stage of the in-person round of the inter-regional chemical tournament was held at the flagship university BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov for the fourth year has become a platform for holding team competitions in chemistry among schoolchildren of 8-11 grades from all over the Belgorod region. The main task of the tournament is to instill in young people an interest in chemistry.
Handball players Technolog-Spartak smashed  DSTU-Leader

Handball players Technolog-Spartak smashed DSTU-Leader

Last weekend in the gym of BSTU. Named after V.G. Shukhov hosted a round of the championship of Russia in handball among men's teams of the highest league. The team "Technolog-Spartak" held home games with the team "DSTU-Leader" from Rostov-on-Don.
University opened the exhibition Architects-2018

University opened the exhibition Architects-2018

On the 23rd of November , the annual exhibition of final qualifying works was opened, at which students of three departments presented their courses and diplomas: “Architecture and urban planning” (head of the department, professor M.V. Perkova), “Design of the architectural environment” (head of the department, Professor A.D. Popov) and “Architectural Structures” (Head of Department, Professor I.A. Degtev). The exposition also includes draft designs for landscaping in the Belgorod Region.

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