The main goals of the Business-incubator are as follows:
- increase the number of small high technology enterprises, established with the participation of students, postgraduate students, researchers, based at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov as well as to promote their stability;
- encourage students’, postgraduate students’, researchers’ innovative work on the basis of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov;
- facilitate access of small businesses to technical facilities, equipment and other resources related to high technology sphere;
- establish small businesses professional standards.
Priority objectives of the business-incubator
- support the survival ability of newly established high technology businesses and businesses at the early stage of development based at BSTU with the engagement of students, postgraduate students, researchers;
- create new jobs for students, postgraduate students, researchers;
- encourage and ensure the growth of small businesses, engaged in promotion of new technologies and cost-effectiveness of knowledge.