Design bureau od Belgorod Schukhov  State Technological University

Thousands of students prepared by skillful teachers and architectures may  carry out architectural, design, project ,geodetic and engineering works.

Our projects are various in styles and directions. We don’t work on a template, each project has its highlights, unusual view and individuality.

Design bureau od Belgorod Schukhov  State Technological University  offers  the following services:

  • design for landscaping and land improvement;
  • design for small architectural forms( lamps, benches ,pergolas, arbors, entrance groups, entrance signs;
  • interior design in different styles;
  • painting of walls of residential and public buildings;
  • development of sketches of furniture for an exclusive interior;
  • preparation works   of the scheme of the planning organization of the land plot, from production of a topographical survey before detailed development of the master plan;
  • architectural decisions from sketches till working projects;
  • works on data preparation of  the engineering equipment, networks, space-planning solutions of technical providing, list of technical actions, maintenance of technology solutions;
  • inner systems’ project ( heating, ventilation, air conditioning, water supply, sewerage, electro supply,  low-current systems, scheduling, gas supply);
  • external networks ( heating supply ,water supply, sewerage, electro supply , low-current system, gas supply and their building);
  • technological system preparation ;( residential buildings and their complexes);
  • organization building projects;
  • works on preparation of the project of the organization of works on demolition or dismantling objects;
  • works on development of actions for ensuring access of handicapped groups of the population;
  • works on inspection of building constructions of buildings and constructions.

The certificate on the admission to works  № 0100/1-2010-3123017793- П-2
the certificate on the admission to a certain type or types of works which exert impact on safety of capital construction projects № 0100/2-2011-3123017793
given 03.02.2011

Contact telephones: (4722)55-88-03, (4722)30-99-85

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