International Science and Education Center
"Theory and practice of restoring destroyed cities" BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov
ready to cooperate

At this stage of human development, the geopolitical situation is becoming more and more complex, the number of natural and man-made disasters is increasing, relations in the social world, crises, revolutions, and wars are worsening. All this leads to the destruction of settlements and cities.

Actual is the restoration of buildings and structures destroyed as a result of man-made and natural processes. Technogenic anomalies are associated, including with wars, and the total area of ​​destroyed buildings and structures on planet Earth is about 450,000 km2.

For solving this global problem, Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov created the International Research and Education Center "Theory and practice of restoring destroyed cities." The director of the center is Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Advisor of the Russian Academy of Architectural and Building Sciences Lesovik R.V.

Belgorod State Technological University named after  V.G. Shukhov - the flagship university of the Russian Federation. It is a center for training innovative specialists. A new transdisciplinary scientific field of geonics (geomimetics) was born at the university, whose theoretical principles underlie the creation of new generation composites.

Within the framework of the center, a number of serious scientific problems have been solved, including the theoretical concepts of designing and creating new generation composites from fragments of destroyed buildings and structures of Iraq.

To address these issues, a center has formed a group of graduate students from Iraq, Syria and other countries, including - Ahmed Ahmed Anis Ahmed from Anbar province and Al-Bu Ali Uatiq Syed Jasaam from Salah al-Din Iraq province. They solve problems by studying the features of the destruction of buildings and structures, develop technologies for producing a wide range of composites of a new generation for the construction of fragments of destroyed buildings and structures.

After the war, as usual, cities and settlements are rebuilt, the remnants of buildings and structures are removed to ravines, and buildings and structures are built using crushed stone and gravel from specially developed fields. This is very ruinous for any country. And the use of fragments of destroyed buildings and structures for the construction of cities is a very urgent task, a large-scale task.

The developments of the International Research and Educational Center "Theory and Practice of Restoration of Destroyed Cities" are important for many states and countries of the world.

To date, a large complex of theoretical and experimental studies has been carried out. Compositions have been developed for the production of concrete from fragments of destroyed buildings and structures with a compressive strength of 20 to 60 MPa, fiber-reinforced concrete, textile-concrete, structural thermal insulation, acoustic and cellular composites, plastering, masonry and finishing solutions, dry construction mixtures, etc.

A pressing issue is the creation of a representative office of this center in countries where there are destroyed cities and towns. The International Science and Education Center is ready for the construction companies of Iraq, as well as other states and construction companies to develop effective building composites for natural and industrial raw materials of specific regions. To carry out advanced training and retraining of personnel in accordance with the specifics of states and regions, to consider the issue of training highly qualified personnel, etc.


  • Russian Federation, 308012, Belgorod, Kostyukova str. 46, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, International Research and Education Center "Theory and practice of restoring destroyed cities"
  • Head: Advisor to the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Prof. Lesovik R.V.
  • Email:
  • Tel .: +7 (4722) 55-15-91
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