Head of the Centre
Avilova Irina Pavlovna, Candidate (ECONS), Professor


Scientific and Methodical Centre (SMC) for professional experts’ education in the field of Expertise and Real Estate Management (EREM), design and assessment issues in construction

The Scientific and Methodical Centre (SMC) is intended for modeling of productions, analytical researches, virtual laboratories and polygons and also for organising game training and meetings. Research and production activities of SMC are assumed to monitor processes in the real production sector, the organization of multipoint teleconferences, demonstration of interactive presentations, access to branch standard literature bases, exchange of reference information with other organizations, conducting online seminars and conferences, including for  remote education form. The technical base of SMC creates special audiovisual environment including video projective system, an interactive board, video conference links, documentation system, individual working places, wireless network, and specialized furniture.

Main objectives and tasks

Research activities of the scientific and methodical centre are carried out within the following task issues:

— conducting seminars, scientific, practical and methodical conferences, round table discussions, master classes on topical issues of the theory and assessment practice issues, expertise and real estate management, construction legislation;

— an intensification and improvement of inter-university interaction in the direction of training of specialists in "Construction";

— conducting research, scientific and practical educational activities in the field of pricing, assessment issues, expertise and real estate management in the construction sector.

Main activities

Employees of SMC conduct scientific research in the following theoretical and practical directions:

— theoretical and practical aspects of individual housing construction;

— optimization and regional adaptation of implementation aspects of the national housing project priority within the regional housing provision programs for the population;

— improvement of the conceptual methodological notion of investment efficiency analysis and construction activities, development of new efficient forms and methods of financial and organizational investment support and construction projects;

 — analysis of the general macroeconomic conditions of the construction market of Russia and Belgorod region, the methods of evaluation and aspects of practical use of the regional investment attractiveness rating in construction, improvement methods of town-planning potential of urban and rural areas;

— scientific and practical issues of economic assessment of the total production capacity and construction technologies of investment and construction projects, methodical bases of structural evolution optimization of investment and construction projects within life cycle;

— theory and methodology of optimization of pricing and quality improvement of housing and public utility services;

— creation and maintenance of computer databank of the regional real estate market.

Besides research and primary educational activities the employees of SMC conduct short-term educational courses of user in a number of program disciplines which are currently mostly demanded in practice in activities of design, production and management organizations of construction spheres of the Belgorod region (including selection of groups to teach in English):

  • AutoCAD User, basic/extended course;
  • ArchiCAD User, basic/ extended course;
  • MS Project User, basic course;
  • The PC user of State Construction Assessment (SCA) with the introduction to basic of pricing and assessment issues in construction;

Our achievements:

  • REALITY. Reviewing and studying of tasks, examples and solutions from practical architectural and construction designing;
  • MOBILITY. A 90-minute daily lecture during a month (40 academic hours);
  • PROFESSIONALISM. Lectures are carried out by skilled specialists and teachers of the university in the multimedia class

Certificates are issued upon termination of training courses.

Other information

The SMC has modern, efficient multimedia equipment and licensed software for training. In 2009-2010 network versions were acquired for 20 working program places in automation assessment documentation of State Construction Assessment (SCA) and project management of "MS Project".

The scientific and creative partners:

  • Department of construction and transport of administration of the Belgorod region;
  • LLC Diars;
  • "Domostroitelnye Complexes";
  • JSC "City";
  • CJSC Nanosoft;
  • ZAO "Graphisoft R & D D";
  • OOO Renga Softweya;

The SMC is the organizer and active participant of a series of seminars, conferences and subject discussions devoted to promoting and implementation of software on assessment issues and project management in practice of activities of construction organizations:

— Seminar "Rating system for valuation of real estate in Russia", 2017.
— Student scientific round table of the EREM department "Urban residential real estate of the premium class: problems of development and implementation", 2017.
— Online lecture in English "Decision making methods in management: analytic hierarchy process", 2017.
— Open online lecture by Professor, Doctor of Engineering Wolfditriha Kalusche, Head of the Department of Economics of Design and Construction of the Brandenburg Technical University (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg) in Cottbus (Germany)/
— Lecture "Packing of buildings", conducted by LLC "Polyhedrons", 2018.

EREM faculty staff improves their skills according to their specialization:

  • Assistant professor Sharapova A.V., Krutilova M.O. — training  "GrandSmeta";
  • Associate professor Naumov A.E. —  certificate "AutoCad", certificate " ArchiCad".

Short-term educational courses SMC

Contact and additional information:

  • Deputy Head of SMC Naumov A.E. – EREM departments, PhD (Technological Sciences), Associate Professor.
  • Main Block, Room 517, tel.: +7(4722) 309-998
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