Summing up the conference results

A press conference attended by  BSTU, PhD, Professor S.N Glagolev, Professor V.S. Lesovik, the First Vice- Rector for Research, innovation and international activities, Deputy Head of Public Establishment for road communication in Syria Dr. Adnan Mansour, professor of  Bashkir State University, I.A Massalimov, representatives of the production sector, General Director of OJSC «TG», Ph.D., Professor IM Tynnikov and others, became the final ending our university conference week.  The press conference included a discussion of problems in several areas of research activity .


 Responding to a question, concerning the benefits to the university out of organizing several scientific events at the same time , Professor V.S Lesovik said that this approach provides an opportunity to discuss the challenges the scientists and manufacturers are facing not  only specifically, but within the framework of  common objectives and solutions. And the recent forum presents only the start. In what forms of scientific discussion on the draft will become traditional for all universities.
A lot of questions were asked to our foreign partner, Dr. Adnan Mansour, who told the reporters about the establishment International Research and Education Center on the basis of  Public Establishment for road communications in Syria, the main role in which will be played by scientists of the section of "Nanosystems in building materials science" at BSTU named after V.G Shukhov. The Department head  of the friendly country emphasized that their direct participation will help the Syrian authorities to quickly create up-to-date road network in the Middle East. The press conference participants learned that in two or three months three groups of specialists, road engineers from Syria are coming to BSTU for a retraining course .
Professor S.N Glagolev highly estimated international the international activity of BSTU named after
V.G Shukhov. According to Sergei Nikolaevich, the agreement with the Syrians is just the first tangible step made by BSTU staff to the expansion of scientific and technical cooperation with foreign countries. It is necessary to actively move forward, because it is the way which can improve the rank of the university at an international level and significantly strengthen the material base of the University through the implementation of joint large-scale educational and  research projects.


According to conference participants, working closely with the scientists and  production specialists can significantly improve the quality of the professionals, who graduate from the university. After all, the theory without practice is dead. The same thing was stated by t
he representative of Sebryakovsky cement plant, a BSTU graduate A.S Mihin. He regularly visits the university he studied at, which has become a real source of manpower for the enterprise. According to Alexei Semenovich, today at Sebryakovsky cement plant out of 160 executives, almost half  is represented by  former BSTU students. And with this kind of personnel it is quite natural that in dealing with problems connected with upgrading production technology, finding ways to reduce the cost of cement, Sebryakovtsy cement plant  always seeks advice and help from the alma-mater.
The journalists were interested in the pricing of new composite materials, improving their quality, energy-saving technologies in cement production, the prospects of building construction industry enterprises in the territory of the Belgorod region, and others. All questions were given complete and competent answers.
I.M Tynnikov, who now heads the Centre for the development and implementation of innovative projects, responding to a question, marked high effficiency of scientific and technical forum. According to Ivan Mikhailovich, "this year has shown a more businesslike approach to the discussion of urgent problems and making decisions."
The general opinion of the press conference was stated by Professor V.S  Lesovik, who, estimated the preliminary results of the forum as follows: "Scientific Conference is an open exchange of views, possibility to prove if the route is chosen correctly, and if not, to introduce the necessary adjustments."

Eugene Sostin,  Public Relations  Department


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