We are learning Arabic

On 18 October, the university started the Arabic Language Courses for the faculty staff.
The lessons are conducted by Dr. Yasser Allaham, Advisor to the University Chansellor on International Affairs, and Mr. Omar Almohammed, who is taking master degree courses at BSTU.



The first lesson began with oriental sweets. And this is not accidental. Such products as kozinaki, nougat, baklava, rahat-lukum, has been on the table in Arabic countries for hundreds of thousands of years, impersonating the wisdom of the ancient East. Dr. Yaser told about the history of the Arabic language. It represents one of the most widely spoken languages ​​of religion and literature in the world.  Arabic ranks the sixth in the world by the abundance. It is the official language of most countries of the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, as well as a number of African continent. Most of the Arabic Language speakers in Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Oman, UAE.


The trainees were introduced to the alphabet and the pronunciation of the letters. Later, some of them admitted: "Arabic language study is not easy." In contrast to Russian, it consists of 28 letters. Each letter of the Arabic alphabet, depending on its position in the word has several graphical forms of writing. "To understand the details of the language you have to practice systematically," - concluded Dr. Yasser. So all came to a joint decision - to meet more than once a week, it was had been settled before, and have classes twice a week.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Julia Samoshina


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