No to extremism and terrorism

BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov hosted the annual interuniversity scientific and practical conference with international participation "Peculiarities of the formation of an anti-extremist and anti-terrorist environment at the university at the present stage." Today, for the entire world community, the spread of the ideology of extremism and terrorism is one of the main threats to security.
Modern extremism and terrorism are used by separate destructive political forces as a tool to achieve their key geopolitical goals contrary to the interests of the international world order and the national goals of the states whose territory is the object of their attention. The purpose of the discussion of the scientific community, practitioners, representatives of public authorities and students was a comprehensive study of the factors influencing the emergence and development of radical destructive phenomena in the student environment, the exchange of experience in their prevention. The most important role in this complex activity belongs to higher educational institutions, since universities have a huge potential in educating young people, shaping their system of personal values ​​and positive guidelines. The conference participants were welcomed by the rector of the university. “Extremism and terrorism today are one of the most dangerous phenomena of social life, destabilizing the normal functioning of our society and threatening the life of citizens. In my opinion, targeted and systematic work to prevent extremist manifestations among young people in educational institutions is primarily associated with strengthening Russian civil identity, fostering patriotism and a culture of interethnic and interfaith communication,” Sergei Glagolev, Rector of the Belgorod State Technical University named after V.G. Shukhov. Every year the geographical coverage and the number of participants of the conference are growing.
Representatives from the DPR, Egypt, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Morocco, Tanzania, Syria, Bulgaria, and England joined the discussion online. Thanks to the participation of foreign colleagues, the participants were able to discuss issues of combating extremism and terrorism not only within the framework of Russian legislation, but also significantly expand their scientific and practical knowledge. The conference was also attended by representatives of the administration of the Belgorod region, the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Belgorod region, the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, the regional public organization "Union of Criminalists and Criminologists", the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Moscow State Law University named after O. E. Kutafin, St. Petersburg Academy of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Rostov Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS, Belgorod universities. More than 200 students of Russian universities took part in the discussion of the agenda in person and online. On the eve of the scientific and practical conference, interuniversity competitions of student scientific works and posters "Youth against extremism and terrorism" were held. An exhibition of student posters was held on the basis of the university, which received more than 100 posters from 12 universities. The best works presented by students will take part in the All-Russian exhibition.
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