Rectors official address

Dear teachers, colleagues, dear students!

We all have a difficult time going through these days. The Russian armed forces are conducting a special operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, which, with the active support of the Nazi manifestations by Western countries, has become a real threat to the sovereignty and integrity of Russia. In his address to the citizens, the President of the Russian Federation explained in detail the motives that guided him in making this difficult decision. We are all Shukhovites - one family, the flagship university of Russia. We are proud of our university, value its traditions and history, and believe in the future of our country. Our campus is the territory of the world. All students, regardless of nationality and religion, have always felt at home here, and now they also continue their education. To all citizens of foreign countries studying at BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov, the protection of their rights, interests, as well as maximum support is guaranteed. Our common task today is to unite, join forces and continue working without slowing down in the educational process, research activities, and the introduction of our discoveries and scientific developments into production. I declare with all responsibility that the university is working and will continue to work as usual. The university management is doing everything necessary to make students and teachers, staff and specialists feel safe. All necessary measures have been taken on campus, in educational buildings and ancillary facilities to ensure control over compliance with the full security regime. The educational process is going according to the schedule, in accordance with the approved schedules, cultural and sports events are held. Dear friends! It's time to unite and become truly one. I am sure that the united and close-knit Shukhov family will be an example of how to live and act together in difficult times!

Adopted at an extraordinary meeting of the Academic Council of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov from 03.03.2022

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