Development of scientists from BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov flew into space

On Tuesday, February 15, at 07:25:40 Moscow time, the Soyuz-2.1a launch vehicle with the Progress MS-19 cargo spacecraft was successfully launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. The ship's cargo compartment contains about 1,600 kg of equipment and materials, resource equipment and maintenance equipment for on-board systems, medical control and sanitary-hygienic supplies, clothing, food rations and fresh food for the crew members of the 66th expedition, as well as a complex target loads under the program of Russian scientific and applied research and experiments, including the development of our scientists - laying "Protective Composite" for the target work "Protective Composite". The target work is to test a new high-performance polymer composite developed by the university staff together with the Research Institute of the TsPK them. Yu.A. Gagarin, in open space.

The director of the target work is the Research Institute of the TsPK im. Yu.A. Gagarin, participants of the target work: BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, SSC RF, IBMP RAS, PJSC RSC Energia im. S. P. Korolev and JSC "TsNIIMash".

Recall that protective composites have been developed by scientists of our university for several years. Pilot samples have passed numerous tests and tests on many ground-based installations that simulate outer space. The developed material has a set of unique properties: high physical and technical, structural characteristics, bacterial resistance, radiation and thermal stability in a wide temperature range. The material has high protective characteristics to proton, electron, neutron and photon radiation. The developed material is protected by a RF patent for an invention, awarded with gold medals of the Russian and European (Romania-2021) competitions. Flight models of scientific equipment were named L-01 and L-02.

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