The best publications of scientists of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov in 2021

The scientific process is a thorny and lengthy scientific search activity, it is the author's path from the appearance of an idea to the presentation of results to the judgment of the world scientific community.
An important unit of the scientific process is a scientific publication, which is the result of the research activity of a scientist, is summarized and logically framed for perception and analysis by other members of the scientific community. In 2021, among the works of scientists of our university, the most cited article was the article by Sergey Klyuev, head of the research department of the BSTU. V.G. Shukhov, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, written jointly with leading scientists from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, USA, Chile, India and Australia. Article "Fly ash-based eco-efficient concretes: A comprehensive review of the short-term properties", published in the journal "Materials", indexed in Web of Science (1 quartile) and Scopus (2 quartile), cited 15 in 6 months times in the journals included in the International databases Scopus and Web of Science (1-2 quartiles): "Journal of Building Engineering", "Construction and Building Materials", "Materials", "Crystals", "Applied Sciences (Switzerland)" scientists from the USA, Cyprus, Belgium, Australia, Czech Republic, Portugal, Poland, Thailand, Pakistan, India, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Chile, Russia. The article deals with the development of concrete compositions on composite binders using technogenic raw materials. Alternative concrete formulations help reduce carbon emissions by reducing the use of cement and landfill waste. In addition, concrete from composite binders and technogenic raw materials has many advantages: fast strength development, low consumption of natural resources, and the possibility of forming various structural elements. In 2021, Materials magazine, indexed in the Web of Science database (1 quartile) and Scopus (2 quartile), published an article by Valery Lesovik, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences , Professor, Head of the Department of Building Materials Science, Products and Structures, BSTU named after  V.G. Shukhov, written jointly with leading scientists from Yemen, the USA and Russia, "Acoustic properties of innovative concretes: A review". The published article has already been cited 13 times in the world's leading journals, including: "Journal of Building Engineering", "Construction and Building Materials", "Polymers", "Applied Sciences (Switzerland)", "Sustainability (Switzerland)", "Materials ". Concrete is the most common building material. When designing structures, it is necessary to take into account all parameters and characteristics, focusing on acoustic properties - ensuring comfortable living conditions for people in residential premises. Different types of concrete behave differently as a conductor of sound: especially dense mixes are excellent sound reflectors, while lightweight ones are sound absorbers. It has been established that the level of sound reflection in modified concrete depends on the type of aggregates, the size and distribution of pores, and changes in the composition of the concrete mixture.
The sound absorption of soundproof concrete (AIC) is enhanced by the use of porous aggregate or blowing agent - the formation of open pores in the concrete matrix. The article discusses noise and sound transmission in buildings, types of soundproofing materials and properties of AIC. The study provides a critical review of concrete types, sound insulation of buildings and their components, evaluation of structural sound insulation, summarizes trends in scientific papers to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the potential applications of AIC in order to reduce noise pollution, increase productivity, improve health and well-being.
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