Winners of the competition for proposals for grants in priority areas of science development

In order to encourage students and graduate students of educational institutions of higher education located on the territory of the Belgorod Region to conduct scientific research aimed at the economic and social development of the Belgorod Region, in November 2021, a competition was held for applications for grants to conduct research in priority areas of development of science and technology. and critical technologies for students and graduate students of educational institutions of higher education located in the Belgorod region. In total, 22 projects took part in the competition, and only 6 projects were recognized as winners, of which 4 were from BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov:

Victoria Lezhanko with the project "Development of a system for improving the safety of construction works by accounting, analysis and prediction of microtraumas" (supervisor: Elena Klimova, associate professor),

Anastasia Yung with the project "Development of methodological foundations for organizing the safety of movement of personal mobility aids in an urban environment" (supervisor: Anastasia Shevtsova, associate professor),

Alina Loktionova with the project "Development of plans for the coordination of traffic light regulation by the method of calculating the parameters of the traffic light cycle based on a qualitative assessment of the traffic flow" (supervisor: Anastasia Shevtsova, associate professor),

Konstantin Starchenko with the project "Software development based on learning algorithms for neural networks to identify aggressive states by external bodily manifestations in order to automate assistance in preventing tragedies."

We congratulate the young scientists and wish them further success in their scientific activities!

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