22 Shukhovets will receive a scholarship from the Mayor of Belgorod

The results of the annual competition for the scholarship of the Mayor of Belgorod among young people participating in environmental activities have been summed up. The competition was held in several stages, this is the acceptance of applications, assessment and award of a scholarship. Only 50 activists of the environmental youth groups of the Belgorod region were awarded cash payments from the leadership of the regional center, of which 22 were Shukhovites. All fellows will receive a one-time payment of RUB 5,400. The competition among eco-activists is held annually. It was founded to encourage young people who are actively involved in organizing and conducting environmental campaigns, as well as helping to keep the city and nature clean. The participants in the competition were assessed according to several criteria. So, it was important not only to participate in environmental events, forums and competitions, but also to inform the residents of the city about existing environmental problems and ways to solve them. Among the fellows were 22 students of the V.G. Shukhov:

Almakova Daria Sergeevna;

Antoshkin Vladimir Vladimirovich;

Grigoryan Sedrak Gevorgovich;

Dudar Kristina Yurievna;

Ermakov Nikolay Ivanovich;

Zinchenko Angelina Andreevna;

Zinchenko Sofya Andreevna;

Klyueva Anastasia Olegovna;

Lukashin Egor Alexandrovich;

Lyutov Maxim Alekseevich;

Moiseev Mikhail Vadimovich;

Myltseva Olga Igorevna;

Pakhomova Ksenia Nikolaevna;

Petrov Ivan Sergeevich;

Poteokina Ekaterina Andreevna;

Razinkova Sofia Igorevna;

Skrypnikova Anastasia Alexandrovna;

Solonenko Semyon Olegovich;

Khovelova Elizaveta Evgenievna;

Shamraeva Daria Andreevna;

Shmaraev Nikita Vitalievich;

Dmitry Romanovich Yadrov.

Activists will receive a lump sum payment by the end of December 2021. The order on the assignment of scholarships to the most active members of environmental youth teams in 2021 can be found on the website of local governments.

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