A million likes was collected by the reality show A Beautiful Mind

In Sevastopol, a three-day multi-format marathon for representatives of student media "Mind Games" based on the Year of Science and Technology has come to an end. The organizer was the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the event was held on the basis of the Sevastopol State University (SevGU). From 11 to 13 December, 100 student media representatives united in 6 teams to create their own digital media and compete with each other in creativity. They were supported by fans from all over the country.

The reality show has collected about 1 million likes on social networks. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia pays great attention to the development and promotion of student media, which have their own view of current events and can "package" news from the world of science in such a way that they will be of interest to their peers. According to the Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozhaev, who admonished the participants on the first day of the reality show, the ability to simply and easily tell about the breakthrough developments of domestic scientists is one of the main tasks of modern media. “It is very important to write about science in an understandable, simple language, to tell your comrades and the whole world about what is happening in the world of science in our country. And social media, which is the focus of the project, are now universal sources of information through which the whole world communicates.

And if we learn to tell the whole world about Russia's achievements in a language understandable to the audience, we will get another competitive advantage as a country, ”said the head of the region. The program of the All-Russian Student Media Forum included an educational part and tasks aimed at developing soft skills and practical skills. In total, 1.5 thousand people took part in the games. Of these, about 100 students played face-to-face at the SevSU, the rest completed assignments online. The reality show program included lectures, discussions of new digital communication formats, reviews of media tools and master classes from media speakers - a total of 20 events with the participation of 30 experts.

Famous bloggers and journalists shared their experience and skills with the players:

Mikhail Bashkatov, Dmitry Grachev, Ilya Belov, Roman Sofronov, Denis Privalov and others.

On the final day of the forum, the organizers conducted an excursion around Chersonesos for the participants, where students learned about the history and life of the Greek colony and saw the ruins of the ancient city live. More information about the program and the composition of the teams can be found on the Mind Games website. As a result of the reality show, its participants improved the qualities necessary for representatives of modern media: the ability to quickly navigate the information space, shoot high-quality documentary projects, promote your brand, competently use graphics and write interesting, catchy texts. 6 teams competed in the final, each of which had 13-14 representatives from different universities. They were awaited by tasks related to the most important events of the Year of Science and Technology.

The teams were led by multi-million dollar influencers who were to create a standalone digital publication and prepare content for four online platforms in order to collect the maximum number of likes, shares and comments. Over the course of three days of games, students found themselves in various unexpected circumstances and shared their impressions of their experiences in their social networks and digital media. They conducted streams, photo and video reports in real time from the creative space on the basis of SevSU. As a result, digital media created by players together with experienced mentors have received a million likes in support of Russian science and technology. The competition was held in a tense struggle, and in the end the team "Thresh Science" became the winner.


1. Polynsky Ruslan, Far Eastern Federal University;

2. Prutova Julia, Moscow University of Finance and Law;

3. Ogorodnikov Maxim, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University;

4. Valeriya Metalnikova, Russian National Research Medical University;

5. Bondarenko Alena, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI";

6. Mutumba Masiliso, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia;

7. Shabanova Anastasia, North Caucasus Federal University;

8. Vorobiev Artem, Tver State University;

9. Astakhova Olga, Saratov State Law Academy;

10. Kazakova Albina, Togliatti State University;

11. Elizaveta Galkina, Samara State Medical University;

12. Kurakin Artem, Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN";

13. Shirobokov Alexander, Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov. Comments of the participants of the winning team of the reality show "Mind Games":

 Maxim Ogorodnikov: “I am very grateful to the organizers for the game. These are unforgettable emotions that will last a lifetime. Thanks to all our friends who supported us on the other side of the screen! " Valeria Metalnikova: “During the three days of the forum, we learned how to work in a team, delegate responsibilities, be able not only to listen, but also to hear, get out of the comfort zone, be originals, not copies. I am very grateful to the Ministry of Education and Science and SevSU for the opportunity to be among the 100 brightest representatives of student media in Russia, as well as for the organization and invaluable experience. " Albina Kazakova: “This forum has become a real discovery for me! There are so many interesting guys, united by their ideas, with burning eyes. This is something incredible! The main thing that this forum gave me was, of course, people: speakers of the all-Russian level with interesting, full of lectures, the "editorial board" represented by the organizers and, of course, my team. " Masiliso Matumba: “I really like the field of media, and as a blogger I learned how to better promote myself, create an information product and speak with my audience! Thank you very much for this wonderful forum. " Alexander Shirobokov: “Three days of non-stop work of a team of 13 people, unreal emotions from the results of our work! It is very nice to see how everyone's eyes are burning, how they are immersed in work with their heads. The organizers deliberately changed the rules of the game on the go in order to imitate the real work of the media and develop in us the ability not to give up because of difficult circumstances, but to look for new opportunities in them. There were cool speakers, powerful motivation from the organizers. They evaluated not only the number of likes, reposts, but also the quality of the content. We, of course, took both those and others. "

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