BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov entered the federal program Priority-2030

The commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation has summed up the selection of Russian universities for the “Priority 2030” competition program. It includes 106 universities from 49 cities of Russia, which will receive the basic part of the grant in the amount of 100 million rubles.
BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov  is one of 80 subordinate universities of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, included in the Priority-2030 program.
Among the selected universities, 28 are located in Moscow, 11 - in St. Petersburg, the rest (over 60%) - in the regions of Russia. Vyacheslav Gladkov, Governor of the Belgorod Region, also attended the defense of the project: “We will also add co-financing from the regional budget for the implementation of programs. We will do everything so that science develops, applied problems are solved, so that young people remain in our region. Education is one of the main substantive parts in the life of any person, ”emphasized Vyacheslav Vladimirovich. “The entire team of the university is involved in this victory, because we have been working on the project together for several months. I would like to express separate words of gratitude to Vyacheslav Gladkov for his personal support during the defense of projects under the Priority-2030 academic leadership program. The presence of the head of the region played an important role in the adoption of a positive decision by the commission of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. In close cooperation with the region, in conjunction with science, education and social initiatives BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, as a pivotal university, can become a real driver of the development of the Belgorod region, ”said the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov prof.  Sergei Glagolev. Let us remind you that Priority 2030 is a program of state support and development of universities. The main criterion for selecting universities was not their current achievements and scientometric indicators, but development programs.
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