New approaches to the methodology of scientific and educational activities

Employees of the Department of Building Materials Science, Products and Structures of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, led by Professor Valery Lesovik, held an international webinar dedicated to science and education of the present and future.
The webinar was attended by leading universities of Russia and foreign countries, as well as representatives of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly: Yulia Petrova, Deputy Secretary General; Svetlana Tagiyeva, Head of the Project Office and Education Council and Kira Kovnat, Head of the International Department of the Assembly. The head of the department prof. Valery Lesovik in his report emphasized the relevance of a qualitative change in the approach to education, the need for a transition to transdisciplinary training, as well as modern areas of training, including higher qualifications. According to Valery Stanislavovich, in the near future, students will choose educational programs, disciplines not within the framework of one university, or even a country, but within the framework of the whole world.
Preference will be given to lectures from leading scientists from all over the world, and the implementation of theses will be carried out on the basis of leading scientific schools that are engaged in transdisciplinary research. After the report, the webinar participants discussed this topic and talked about the peculiarities of the approach to education in their universities. Deputy Secretary General of the Assembly Yulia Petrova noted the high relevance of the issue raised and expressed gratitude to the Shukhov team, stressing that the department makes a significant contribution to improving the scientific and educational activities of universities in Russia and foreign countries. Director of the Representative Office of the BSTU International Educational Center named after V.G. Shukhov "Geonics (Geomimetics)" at the Far Eastern Federal University Roman Fedyuk emphasized the importance of joint scientific research, including the development of new materials that can be used for the construction of facilities of the  Ministry of Defense. He drew attention to the contribution of the Department of V. Lesovik to the advanced training of servicemen of the Far Eastern Military District. “Information technologies open up great opportunities for us.
By combining our work with the help of online technologies, we can achieve great success, both in scientific activity and in personnel training, ”concluded Valery Stanislavovich. The webinar participants noted the role of the pivotal university - BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov - as a leader in improving personnel training, introducing transdisciplinary research, and also thanked the head. Department of  Valery Lesovik for organizing such an innovative project and expressed wishes for further fruitful cooperation.
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