BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov celebrated the Day of Knowledge

This year, more than 3,000 applicants entered the flagship university of the Belgorod Region - a multidisciplinary entrepreneurial university, which is famous for its rich history and wonderful traditions.
Today BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is the flagship of higher education in the region, a personnel smithy that produces the country's scientific and technical elite.
he rector of the university, professor Sergei Glagolev addressed the students with a welcoming speech: “The first of September is the beginning of a new stage in life for each of us; this is a good holiday, symbolizing new successes and victories, an introduction to the wonderful world of knowledge. We are opening a new page in our history. " The solemn ceremony was also attended by a university graduate, deputy of the Belgorod City Council, Alexander Shcheglov.
He joined in congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and noted the uniqueness of the chosen educational institution: “Today, a“ technologist ”is not just a university, it is a territory of knowledge, development, internal growth, culture and sports. I sincerely envy all students, because the best years of life are ahead of you. " Over the years, the flagship university has developed its own inviolable traditions, some of which were successfully introduced to first-year students at the solemn ceremony. Having received the coveted student card and uttering the words of the oath, the guys said goodbye to their status as an “entrant” and received a new one - “a student of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov ".
At the end of the line, the students got acquainted with the administration and university staff, teachers and directors of institutes. It is they who, throughout the entire period of study, will in every possible way contribute to the formation of students in educational, scientific, creative and sports activities.
Now an interesting, eventful and exciting academic year is ahead of the Shukhovites. It will bring new meetings and acquaintances, bright moments of student life and the fulfillment of desires and aspirations.
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