The admission campaign-2021 of flagship university is successfully completed

Now we can say that the admission campaign-2021 at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov is successfully completed.The enrollment order for the 1st year of the budgetary bachelor's degree has been signed. This year, the university has been allocated 2,220 budgetary places, which is 443 more than last year, and all of them are filled with successful and university-oriented applicants. “Of course, during the digitalization of all industries, there is a demand for specialties related to IT technologies.
This year, for example, the competition for software engineering was 15 people per place. All in all, we hired 255 people for the enlarged group of the Informatics and Computer Science direction. I would also like to note that, without exception, the directions and specialties of the university are closely related to the use of digital technologies, which is explained by the demand for our areas of training, - the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov-prof. Sergei Glagolev. “Our university participates in the“ Priority 2030 ”program, and the developed transformation of the educational program will make the freshmen students very interesting, and their graduation competencies will be fully demanded by the economy and meet the demands of the time.” The admission campaign in 2021 was held with the threat of the spread of coronavirus, so many applicants applied online - through a single portal of public services, the university's electronic platform, by mail. In total, more than 11,000 applications were submitted: 700 through government services, 10,152 through the university platform, and the rest were submitted in person.
When submitting applications in person, the specialists of the admissions committee helped applicants to correctly draw up documents and form a "personal account" so that from home the applicant could work with his applications and enrollment consents. Admission to the master's and commercial bachelor's programs is still ongoing. You can apply for a master's program until September 15, for a commercial bachelor's degree program until August 29.
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