Shukhov team tooks part in the discussion of regional development issues

Nowadays public discussions of the proposed strategy for the socio-economic development of the region until 2030, "Time for New Opportunities", are underway in the Belgorod Region.
Discussions have already taken place in 22 municipalities in the region, and now the proposed solutions to existing problems are being considered by industry. So, the 25th session, held on the basis of the educational complex "Algorithm of Success", brought together experts and specialists of preschool, general education, secondary vocational, higher and additional education, as well as representatives of active youth of the region: the youth government and volunteers. The main topic of the session was education and youth policy. The strategic session was opened by the Acting Governor of the Belgorod Region Vyacheslav Gladkov, who in his speech noted that the high level of development of all spheres of education (from kindergarten to vocational training already at the university) will allow the region to retain the best talented minds in the region, which will become the basis for the economic development of the region .
First Deputy Chairman of the Regional Duma Natalia Poluyanova spoke about the main components of the new strategy. Elena Tishina, head of the education department of the Belgorod region, emphasized that the transformation of education is to be carried out in several blocks, including significant digitalization of all spheres of education, early career guidance of students, high-quality training of teachers of all levels, etc. The participants of the session in the direction of "Higher School" were representatives of the flagship university of Belgordchina: Director of the Institute of Education and Science of the NKM, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Valeria Strokova, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists under the Governor of the Region, Professor of the Department of Materials Science and Technology of Materials Viktoria Nelyubova, Director of the Small Technological University Natalya Altynnik and leading specialist of NIOC E. Chikileva.
At the first stage of the session, the challenges facing education and youth policy in all their possible variations were outlined. At the second stage, the participants had to offer optimal mechanisms for solving such problems. After that, all those present voted for the five most important problem areas in their opinion. It should be noted that all the proposals developed and voiced by the participants of the session will be transferred to the commission - the developers of the strategy, where the proposed mechanisms will be generalized and, to one degree or another, included in the text of the new strategy.
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