The potential of the scientific activity of the university is growing

At the end of July 2021, another update of the Webometrics Rankingof World Universities took place, in which the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, constantly improving its position in international and Russian rankings, is consistently in the TOP-70 among Russian universities according to the results of the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities and in the TOP-30 of the Webometrics Top Universities by Google Scholars Citations, and takes 2nd place in the Belgorod region .

At the moment, in the Top Universities by Citations in Top Google Scholar profiles BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov ranks 24th with 73,835 citations.

Webometrics is a global indicator of the research activities of universities on the Internet; it is one of the most global rankings in terms of spatial coverage, analyzing more than 25,000 universities worldwide.

When compiling the rating, three indicators are taken into account:

- IMPACT RANK (50% visibility). The impact and quality of content is assessed by analyzing the number of external sources (networks) that create backlinks to the university website (web pages). Link count data is collected from two of the most important sources of such information: Majestic and Ahrefs. To compile a rating after normalization, the maximum value from these two sources is used;

- OPENNESS RANK (university openness - 10%). The number of citations of 210 leading authors (excluding the 20 most prominent figures). This indicator uses information from Google Scholar citations;

- EXCELLENCE RANK (superiority - 40%). The number of articles in the top 10% most cited over a five-year period in each of the 27 disciplines of the complete database, based on insights from the SCimago Research Group.

Scientists of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov systematically and actively continue to work to strengthen and improve the position of the university in global rankings of universities, such as Webometrics and others.

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