The rector of the university took part in the international meeting of Arab universities at Moscow State University

The rectors of Russian and Arab universities met to discuss the prospects for scientific and educational cooperation. The meeting was co-chaired by the President of the Russian Union of Rectors, Rector of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Victor Sadovnichy and Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities Professor Amr Ezzat Salama.

 Rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Sergey Glagolev took part in this meeting, where he made a presentation on the role of higher educational institutions in the formation of a modern innovative economy. “We are facing great prospects for scientific and educational cooperation, the development of intercultural communication and the implementation of joint educational programs. And the cooperation of young scientists from Russia and the countries of the Arab world will become the basis for further close interaction, ”stressed Sergei Nikolaevich in his speech. During an international meeting in Moscow, an agreement on mutual cooperation was signed between the Association of Arab Universities (Amr Ezzat Salama) and the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly (A.Yu.Belyaninov).

Tomorrow, on July 28, a foreign delegation will arrive at the flagship university of the Belgorod region, where the Union of Arab Universities will sign agreements on mutual cooperation between the flagship university, the Association of Law Schools of Russia and the International Commonwealth Association at the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly will sign agreements between the Council of Rectors of Belgorod Region universities and the International Commonwealth Association, as well as an agreement on mutual cooperation between the Association of Russian Law Schools and the International Commonwealth Association. The solemn meeting will be attended by the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Secretary General of the Union of Arab Universities, Chairman of the Council of the "Assembly of Peoples of Russia" - Member of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations, Deputy Head of Rossotrudnichestvo, Chairman of the City Duma, Senator of the Kingdom of Jordan, Chairman of the "Association law schools of Russia ", Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation, member of the board of directors of the" Association of Russian Diplomats ", Counselor of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the Russian Federation on political issues and interaction with Arab, Western and Russian media, attaché for culture and education of the Embassy of Egypt, Chairman of the Council rectors of universities in the South of Russia. A series of plenary discussions will be held on July 29 at the flagship university with the participation of foreign guests, rectors (vice-rectors) of Russian and Arab universities and BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

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