BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov hosted an international meeting of rectors of Russian and Arab universities

At the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, representatives of 20 higher educational institutions of Russia, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain discussed the prospects for scientific and educational cooperation, as well as the preparation of the III Forum of the Federation of rectors of Russian and Arab universities.

 The co-chairs of the meeting at the pivotal university of the Belgorod region were the chairman of the council of rectors of universities in the Belgorod region, the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov-prof. Sergey Nikolaevich Glagolev and Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities Professor Amr Ezzat Salama. The work was attended by: Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Natalya Aleksandrovna Bocharova; Svetlana Konstantinovna Smirnova, Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia, member of the Council for Interethnic Relations under the President of the Russian Federation; Chairman of the Association of Law Schools of Russia Sergey Nikolaevich Baburin; First Deputy Governor of the Belgorod Region Evgeny Vladimirovich Miroshnikov; Olga Ilyinichna Medvedeva, Chairman of the Belgorod City Council. The participants of the meeting "Middle East - Moscow - Belgorod" were greeted by the First Deputy Governor of the Belgorod Region Evgeny Miroshnikov, who noted the special significance of this event for the world educational space. “I am glad that it was my native university that became a platform for uniting representatives of higher education and statesmen,” stressed Evgeny Vladimirovich. Within the framework of the meeting, the rectors of Russian and Arab universities discussed the implementation of joint research and the prospects for scientific and educational cooperation, which is the main purpose of the meeting between universities.

Exchange of experience on the development of strategic guidelines for Russian-Arab relations will ensure mutually beneficial cooperation between universities in the field of education and science. “Today about 25 thousand students and postgraduates from Arab countries study in Russia. Now we are increasing this figure, and according to the decision of the Government of Russia, the number of students admitted from foreign countries will double by 2023, ”Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Natalya Bocharova noted the importance of the meeting. Secretary General of the Union of Arab Universities Amr Ezzat Salam was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. “This event is of significant importance for both the Russian and Arab sides. I really liked Belgorod and the host site (BSTU named after V.G.Shukhov), there are many students from Arab countries. We would like them to become ambassadors of their countries on the basis of the university, and we are ready to make every effort to strengthen long-term cooperation, ”said the rector of the Jadar MOKH'D University Talib Mefleh Obaidat.

During the international meeting "Middle East - Moscow - Belgorod", the following bilateral agreements were signed:

MoU between the Association of Arab Universities (Amr Ezzat Salama) and the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov (Glagolev S.N.);

 MoU between the Association of Arab Universities (Amr Ezzat Salama) and the Association of Law Schools of Russia (Baburin S.N.);

MoU between the Association of Arab Universities (Amr Ezzat Salama) and the International Commonwealth Association (T.V.Balabanova);

Agreement between the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly (S.K.Smirnova) and the Council of Rectors of Higher Education Institutions of the Belgorod Region (S.N. Glagolev);

Agreements between the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly (S. K. Smirnova) and the International Partnerships club  (T. V.Balabanova);

 MoU between the Association of Law Schools of Russia (SN Baburin) and the International Partnerships club  (T.V. Balabanova).

These agreements provide great opportunities for transforming the constructive dialogue between representatives of university circles in Russia and the countries of the Arab world. “Great opportunities are opening up for Russian education and universities in the educational services market in the Middle East. First of all, this will simplify the recognition of our diplomas, will give an opportunity to participate in the ratings of universities in Arab countries, and will also increase the recognition of Russian universities in the Middle East, ”commented Sergei Glagolev, Chairman of the Council of Rectors of the Belgorod Region. After the meeting, the participants of the meeting planted trees on the Friendship Alley of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.

Tomorrow, the program of the international meeting will be continued by the plenary discussion "Strategic guidelines for Russian-Arab relations in the field of higher education", moderated by Amr Ezzat Salam, Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Ruslan Lesovik and Tatiana Balabanova - advisor to the rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, General Director of the International Cooperation Association of Foreign Graduates of Universities of the Central and Southern Regions of the Country.

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