Reading Pushkin Together

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov took part in the international event  "Reading Pushkin together" in the framework of the cultural and educational leisure project of the university "Interactive Campus".
On the birthday of the great Russian poet, June 6, a meeting of all admirers of his work, lovers of Russian literature, people who value the cultural heritage of our country and are fans of the works of Alexander Sergeevich, took place on Pushkin Alley.
Students and teachers of the university, guests of the international action "Reading Pushkin Together" read famous poems written by the poet both during his years of study at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, and at a more mature age. Stanislav Minakov, head of the club of lovers of Russian literature, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov "Pushkarnaya Sloboda", greeted all the guests of the action and read Boris Chichibabin's sonnet "What a blessing that we had Pushkin!" “Today is 222 years since the birth of Alexander Sergeevich, the sun of Russian poetry. On the World Day of the Russian Language, we all plunge into the work of the great writer and become real guides of the Russian national culture, "Stanislav Minakov emphasized. Lovers of poetry, admirers of the great Russian poet's creativity gathered at the monument to Alexander Sergeevich and Natalya Nikolaevna and read works that synthesize civic pathos and chamber purely personal content. The subjects of the works were diverse: Russian history, the role of the human personality in historical development, people and power, national roots, life and death, human passions and vices, duty, honor, happiness. Diyar Ayidov, deputy head of the department for work with foreign students of the Center for International Relations, organized the participation of foreign students in the international action "Reading Pushkin together." Foreign citizens reacted with particular enthusiasm and trepidation to the reading of the poet's poems. The chairmen of the communities of Jordan, Chad, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Ecuador, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, China and Nigeria read Pushkin's poems in their languages. The international action brought together people of different ages, professions and nationalities. Students and teachers recalled the poems "Winter morning", "I remember a wonderful moment", "In the depths of Siberian ores", "Prophet" and other lyrical works of the author. Poems performed by students not only in Russian, but also in English, Uzbek, Tajik, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French, Persian, Yoruba, Lingala, Shona, Swahili, Pashto and other languages ​​sounded emotionally and expressively.
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