University staff took part in the congress of the Association of foreign students of Russia

The IX Congress of the Association of Foreign Students of Russia has come to an end at the Krasnodar State Institute of Culture.
More than 120 representatives of foreign students from all over Russia, representatives of universities, government agencies, diplomatic and public organizations took part in conferences and creative events.
Flagship University - BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov - was represented by employees of the Center for International Education and Cooperation Diyar Ayidov and Shoja Nouruzi. One of the key events of the event was the election of a new president of the association. A new board of trustees was also elected. The congress was attended by the adviser to the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and the Head of the Department of Higher Education and Science of Rossotrudnichestvo. A webinar "Features of the organization of the educational process during a pandemic for foreign students" was held for students. The meeting was organized with the aim of explaining the algorithm for organizing work in relation to foreign students, graduate students, students of preparatory faculties arriving in Russia to continue their studies in a difficult epidemiological situation. For the first time, within the framework of the congress, a proposal was made to hold a creative review competition among foreign students "We will devote our souls to our homeland with beautiful impulses." Contestants from various universities in the country presented performances in four nominations: vocals, choreography, artistic word, instrumental performance. The winners were awarded at a gala concert, in which creative teams from KGIK took part, as well as prize winners of the competition. As a result of the congress, proposals were prepared on making appropriate changes to migration legislation, simplifying the procedure for vaccinating foreign students against coronavirus infection and many other significant decisions. The resolution of the congress will be sent to the President of the Russian Federation and the relevant ministries and departments. In addition, the venue for the next congress of the Association of Foreign Students was determined - it will be held on the basis of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
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