University professor gave a new sculpture to the residents of Cairo

At the end of March, a cultural and significant event took place - the grand opening of the monument to the great Soviet poet Rasul Gamzatov in the Cairo park of the Arab Republic of Egypt.
The magnificent sculpture was made by a professor of the Department of Architecture of BSTU named after VG Shukhov, Professor of Fine Arts of the Cairo University. The opening ceremony was attended by the Russian ambassador to Cairo , deputy. Governor of Cairo and advisor, director of the Russian Cultural Centers in Egypt, professors of the Faculty of Art Education at Ain Shams University and the Faculty of Archeology of Cairo University, other guests of honor, journalists.
The bust was installed at the initiative of the Russian Cultural Center in Cairo.  Professor of the Department of Architecture, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov warmly thanked all those present and participating in the organization of this event: "Thanks to everyone who honored me by visiting this great cultural event."
The new sculpture is the seventy-sixth work of Professorof BSTU in his creative career. The professor is known for a number of works dedicated to many people in science, culture and art of the two countries. Recall that the sculptor's works adorn the territory of the flagship university of the Belgorod region, among which is the bust of Vladimir Grigorievich Shukhov, presented in gratitude to the university for his contribution to the development of science, art and international relations. Also, the honorary professor of the university, together with colleagues from Syria, Egypt, Kuwait and Morocco, participates in international plein airs on architecture and painting, organized by the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.
Based on materials from the Russian Embassy in the Arab Republic of Egypt
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