For gifted children was organized a Science City NIKA

BSTU them. V.G. Shukhov, during the spring school holidays, there was a scientific camp for gifted children “NaukoGrad“ NIKA ”. During the week, schoolchildren studied applied psychology, improved their knowledge in chemistry and physics, and also got their hands on in architecture and design. Small Technological University of  BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov prepared a rich program for the children: scientific and entertainment events, work with business cases, quests, contests, games, as well as meetings with interesting people. The cycle of such meetings was opened by the rector of the flagship university of the region. Rector held a dialogue "on equal terms" with young researchers, answered questions and wished the children to choose a profession only at the call of their hearts. During the week, the teams worked with the cases of large companies in the Belgorod Region: Energomash, VladMiVa, ZhBK, Information Technology Factory, AltEnergo and Stamford. Six teams passed various tests, participated in contests and quizzes, coped with difficult tasks and presented their projects. It was the presentation of the developed solutions that became the result of the entire scientific camp.
The guys developed a concept for promoting an educational online platform, studied the frost resistance of building materials, created their own websites and even drew conclusions about the benefits of alternative energy. The results of the shift in the camp were determined by the sum of the points scored during the entire time.
The seats were distributed as follows:
1st place - teams "Energomash" and "Stamford",
2nd place - teams "AltEnergo" and "VladMiV",
3rd place was shared by "Information Technologies Factory" and "ZhBK".
Rector of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov  congratulated the children on the completion of scientific research and noted:
“Having received a decent education, you can always show your maximum potential, get a job at the leading enterprises of our region and country.
You have already met some of these enterprises in our scientific school.
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