The university is developing and creating intelligent control systems

Scientists of the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov are working on many areas of scientific activity. One of them is the development and creation of intelligent control systems. Modern society lives in a world filled with technical means of communication, intelligent systems, large-scale industries and information technologies. The era of digitalization crept as close to a person as possible and presented many software solutions in the field of artificial intelligence and data processing. We are surrounded by various household appliances, laptops and personal computers, not to mention smartphones, without which a modern user cannot live a day.

“Many projects developed at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, are introduced both in the Belgorod region, as well as in Russia and abroad, ”emphasized during his recent speech  associate professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics. He made a presentation of the project "Intelligent control systems" at the site of the university "Boiling Point" to the students of the flagship university. New properties of intelligent systems The joint work of the team of the Department of Technical Cybernetics on the direction of creating intelligent control systems presupposes giving new properties to existing systems. They must make improvements and significantly increase the efficiency of the functioning of these systems and objects.

Often this approach involves the development of a new type of systems, including the use of fuzzy logic algorithms, neural networks. For example, in the implementation of a project of fault-tolerant mobile means, involving the creation of an intelligent software and hardware complex. This complex is designed to control robotic vehicles and warehouse logistics systems operating in real conditions with analysis of failures and an adequate response to them, which ensures the survivability of the system as a whole. Each control system is unique Developments using intelligent control systems are relevant and in demand by modern technological production. Each project using such a system is individual: it is created based on the request of the enterprise and is implemented immediately after passing the pilot stage.

Many projects have already been implemented for industrial production to create automated control systems. Here is some of them: - an automated control, management and dispatching system for a rotary kiln for cement clinker burning (manufactured for OJSC “Sementi Tojik”). It provides monitoring, control and remote control of the objects that make up the rotary kiln from the operator's workstation. This project allows monitoring the state of the main drive of the furnace and smoke exhausters analysis of the state of the furnace head; control the opening of the smoke exhauster dampers, the supply of sludge to the furnace; - expansion and modernization of the automated control system of the water intake area for the meat processing plant "SK Korocha". The created system provides automatic, remote and local control mode for borehole pumps, as well as synchronized operation of water treatment and purification systems, a system for supplying clean water through the plant, taking into account the costs at each point. In addition, the application software was created for the automated control system of the technological line for the production of fixed formwork for JSC "Belvelox". Now, with the help of the developed system, the formwork production workshop is controlled with the implementation of manual and automated control of the apparatus. Department projects today Currently, work is underway on several projects that require a deep scientific approach.

The staff of the department participates in the implementation of the project “Creation of high-tech production of animal protein from the larvae of the fly“ black lion ”(hermetia illucens), which is part of the world-class scientific and educational center“ Innovative solutions in the agro-industrial complex ”. And at one of the enterprises in Belgorod, a trial operation is underway to develop a machine vision system for detecting defects in sanding paper. In general, the scientists of the Department of Technical Cybernetics are working on the following areas: first, modeling and control of thermal and technological objects. The goal of this direction is to improve the accuracy of representing objects with distributed parameters using fractional order models and dynamic neural networks (7–10%). The models can be used in grate coolers and heat engineering processes. Secondly, increasing the energy efficiency of the production of artificial sapphire. Scientists strive to reduce the energy consumption of high-power heaters due to the proposed methods of circuit solution for their control process and the use of induction heating (up to 30%).

Third, automatic vibration and vibration suppression of centrifugal grinders. Due to the introduction of original systems and devices for automatic suppression of vibrations, the level of negative vibration of the elements of the mechanical system of centrifugal grinders will decrease (up to 12%). These systems can be used for crushing clinker, cullet, ceramic broken. Fourth, suppression of chaotic oscillations in electronic systems. Investigation and suppression of the arising chaotic oscillations by using correcting devices in the feedback circuit will help to expand the range of voltage variation (by 10-15 V) of electronic stabilizers. Possible applications: urban lighting networks and automatic voltage stabilizers. Not only scientists from the Department of Technical Cybernetics, but also many students take part in the work on projects. They write scientific papers, are the authors of many projects and work on a variety of practical and scientific topics. “Absolutely any student can connect to the implementation of these projects, it is enough just to show interest and contact one of the department teachers involved in the development,” notes  associate professor of the Department of Technical Cybernetics.

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