The refinement of the technology for the production of animal protein from fly larvae continues

The flagship university is implementing 4 projects of a world-class scientific and educational center "Innovative solutions in the agro-industrial complex". One of them is a project to create a high-tech large-scale production of animal protein from the larvae of the black lion fly (hermetia illucens). The project is carried out by scientists of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov together with LLC "Agroacademia" and the Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPEE RAS). The goal of this project is to develop and implement industrial technology for the development of black lion cub larvae and their deep processing. The productivity of the technology should be up to 3000 tons of animal protein per year, up to 900 tons of lipid concentrate and 11,000 tons of fertilizers.


The relevance of the production of animal protein from fly larvae

The production of animal protein from larvae is a topical scientific and technical issue. Today in the world there is an active growth of interest in the development and search for technologies in the field of obtaining proteins from alternative sources. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations believes that insects can be a source of protein-rich foods. Insects need an average of 2 feed units to produce 1 kg of animal weight. And for growing, for example, pigs, from 3 to 8 feed units are consumed per 1 kg of weight gain. Another advantage of insects is that various waste and cheap raw materials can be used to grow them. This type of insect, like the black lion, is the most promising for an industrial scale production. This is justified by the biological characteristics of this species, which become its advantages. Breeding insects is very simple and also fast: it takes 20 days for the larva to grow and a month and a half will require a full reproduction cycle. Larvae contain on average 40% protein and 35% fat, and are distinguished by a rich chemical composition of fatty acids and amino acids. This species has the ability to feed on almost all types of food and agricultural waste. Waste from kitchens and slaughterhouses, organic matter from municipal solid waste, sewage sludge, and even pig or chicken manure are suitable. Insects are completely safe and harmless to humans: adults are inactive, do not have a developed mouth apparatus, as a result of which they do not feed, do not bite, and do not spread diseases.

Protein flour production technology

The technology for obtaining and producing protein flour, lipids and fertilizers from fly larvae belongs to the field of biotechnology and is high-tech. It is distinguished by a high degree of automation, computerization and process control. All this will make it possible to obtain in industrial volumes a stable high-quality end product with controlled compositional parameters. In addition, the project is environmentally friendly and completely waste-free. High scientific results have been achieved in the implementation of the project in 2020. University scientists have developed 9 feed mixtures and 3 options for organic fertilizers; 4 temporary technical and technological regulations were created, 4 patents for inventions and 4 certificates of know-how were received. Within the framework of the project BSTU im. V.G. Shukhov received 2 certificates of state registration of a computer program and took part in three international and all-Russian exhibitions. University scientists took part in 6 international conferences, published more than 20 scientific articles (including in the journals SCOPUS and HAC) and were trained in 3 advanced training programs.

Project work
At the moment, the technology and technological documentation are being finalized. At the end of 2021, the construction of a plant in Shebekinsky district will begin with the launch of the first line and the receipt of the first batches of products. The completion of the project will take place in 2024. In the course of work on the project at the Department of Industrial Ecology, a new direction of the Master's program "Biotechnology" was opened. The obtained scientific data is used in the preparation of final qualification works of bachelors, masters and postgraduates, as well as in lecture courses "Industrial ecology", "Waste processing", "Ecology" and others.
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