Over 150 reports were heard at the international conference Innovations and Technologies in Construction

Innovations and technologies in construction" was held at the flagship university with the participation of scientists from BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, Russian Academy of Architectural and Construction Sciences, Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Far Eastern Federal University and other universities in Russia. Scientists exchanged views on a variety of important topics in the field of construction and building materials science. The reports were discussed in detail during the work of the sections in the directions. The conference was opened by Corresponding Member of RAASN, Head. Department of Building Materials Science, Products and Structures, BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov .
Valery Stanislavovich's report was devoted to the protection of the human environment as one of the most important transdisciplinary problems of civilization. From BSTU them. V.G. Shukhov also spoke: head of Department of Standardization and Quality Management, associate professors. Scientists talked about the development of high-performance acoustic glass composites of a new generation, and about research on reducing the energy intensity of new generation building composites using new types of raw materials.
Representative of the Far Eastern Federal University presented  the development of new generation composites for the construction of special structures. Two years ago, on the basis of this university, the Shukhov scientific and educational center "Geonics (geomimetics)" was opened, where work is underway to intensify scientific activities, improve the qualifications of teachers and specialists. Note that the opening of the conference took place on the day of the 75th anniversary of the head.
Department of BSTU has Hundreds of congratulations from colleagues with wishes of health, new successes in scientific activities, sincere words of gratitude from the students of the professor, academicians of the RAS and RAASN, outstanding scientists, heads of leading specialized universities, industrial organizations, and congratulations from the chairman of the Belgorod Regional Duma  were addressed to the hero of the day. and the mayor of the city of Belgorod Yuri Galdun.
P.S. Over 150 reports were presented at the conference. All materials were accepted as articles for publication in the journal of the 4th quartile "Lecture notes in civil engineering" (Switzerland) and IOP "Conferences series: materials science and engineering" (Great Britain).
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