Foreign students will study within the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation

The submission of applications for obtaining a quota for education in Russia at the expense of allocations from the federal budget for foreign citizens has ended.
The ongoing annual project of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and Rossotrudnichestvo allows foreigners to continue their studies immediately after receiving their previous education (school, college, college, university) to study for free, receive a scholarship, and also live in a student hostel. The system assumes that those who come from abroad do not occupy the existing budget places, but the allocated new ones. In 2021, the Government of the Russian Federation has determined the training quota for 18 thousand people. At the same time, several hundred new foreign students will come from the countries of the former Yugoslavia. In the Republic of Serbia, the project is moderated by the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Belgrade "Russia House", in other countries the project is moderated by employees of Russian embassies. BSTU management V.G. Shukhova pays great attention to the development of academic exchange with Serbian partners. Within the framework of this direction, the Institute of Serbian Language and Communication is engaged in attracting applicants.
A feature of this year's campaign campaign, which started on January 20, was the remote format. Employees of the Institute of Serbian Language and Communication focused on working with applicants through the social network Facebook. During the campaign, 54 interviews were conducted with potential candidates for participation in the competition, as a result of which 10 applicants from the Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina received letters of support from the university. Their arrival is expected in September. Most candidates need training at the preparatory faculty, but some have the opportunity to immediately start training in their specialty.
This year, Serbian youth gave preference to the areas of undergraduate and graduate studies: "Management", "Personnel Management", "Design of the Architectural Environment", "Architecture", "Biotechnology", as well as the areas of postgraduate studies: "Economics" and "Philosophy, Ethics and Religious Studies ". Four applications have been accepted for participation in the Summer Language School as part of the additional education program, which is expected to be held in July 2021.
Applicants received detailed information and professional advice on the application procedure, and also got acquainted with the positive experience of teaching Serbian students of "technologist". The Institute of Serbian Language and Communications thanks the student-volunteer of the Institute of Energy, Information Technologies and Control Systems Miljan Milkovich, who initiated the presentation of educational programs of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov in his hometown of Vranje, as well as other Serbian students who recorded interviews about their studies in Belgorod. It should be noted that the staff of the institute also provided organizational and informational support to an applicant from Turkmenistan wishing to enroll in a magistracy in the direction of Technosphere Safety. Reference: today 12 Serbian students are studying at the university.
A partnership has developed with several educational institutions: in particular, a cooperation agreement was signed with the Bora Stankovich Gymnasium in the city of Vranje. Active agitation of future Shukhovites goes through the “Russian Corner” created jointly with the flagship university.
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