Complex solution of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov on combating congestion in urban environments

Teachers and scientists of the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov not only provide colossal knowledge in the field of engineering, professional production, road construction and architecture, but they themselves are engaged in scientific activities.
Many scientists are involved in the implementation of projects of the world-class scientific and educational center "Innovative solutions in the agro-industrial complex", even more bright minds are involved in the implementation of scientific projects, win grants for the implementation of their research and become owners of many awards. Scientists of the region's flagship university actively tell students about their implemented and ongoing projects, invite students to cooperate and write scientific articles, speak at the Boiling Point of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.  Associate Professor of the Department of Operation and Organization of Vehicle Traffic, recently told the students about a comprehensive solution to combat congestion in urban environments. She spoke about the optimal traffic management, which will reduce travel delays and fuel costs, as well as improve the environmental situation in the city: Dealing with congestion in urban environments Regular traffic congestion deserves special attention. They not only create a serious transport problem and negatively affect human health, but also have a negative impact on the environment. It is difficult to find any solution in cities with historical development and a rapid growth in the level of motorization.
Therefore, this issue must be addressed using comprehensive measures. Speaking about the implementation of many activities, you need to think about how it is economically profitable and possible to implement. In the field of traffic management, there are very effective measures, but, unfortunately, they are expensive. In this regard, it becomes necessary to develop activities with a low pricing policy. Here you cannot do without "smart" traffic lights.
The growth of the car park leads to serious transport problems related to the field of organization and road safety. Urban traffic is complex and dynamic. To successfully cope with it, it is necessary to apply a set of measures to minimize congestion. One of these is the adaptive traffic light control. It is based on the vehicles arriving at the intersection, the rate of change of the vehicle movement and the application of the values ​​of the coefficient of tire-to-road surface. The main thing is the safety of movement The practical significance of the project lies in the effective improvement of the functioning of the road network. This means that there will be a decrease in the loss of time spent by vehicles and passengers on the way, minimization of congestion, a decrease in emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere and, of course, a decrease in fuel consumption. All this will be achieved with the introduction of "intercepting" parking lots, changing the traffic light control cycle online, thanks to the installation of transport detectors and weather cameras. In the developed model for controlling a traffic light object, the calculation of the traffic light regulation cycle depends on several factors. First of all, this is the number of vehicles accumulating at prohibitory traffic lights, the rate of change in the movement of cars and the coefficient of adhesion of tires to the road surface, the value of which will be obtained using meteorological cameras. This is the special difference of this model: it is based on the abstract thinking of a person.
Many complex solutions to combat congestion in urban environments have already been implemented in the city of Belgorod and the Belgorod Region. Practically not a single event in the region was implemented without the participation of the Department of Operation and Organization of Road Traffic of Vehicles under the leadership  Director of the Transport and Technological Institute. Therefore, we can say that many decisions were made jointly with BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov.
We always try for the residents of our city to make them comfortable, convenient, and most importantly, to move safely along the road network. There is safety in numbers In any scientific projects, the teacher's task is to suggest, present an idea, a thought to the student. After all, a properly laid foundation is gradually turning into a house, and, as a rule, from high-quality materials. I always try to look closely at the diligent and hard-working guys who later work with me before graduating from the university.
It is always pleasant to share experience, as well as to see the results of your students, who repeatedly win in scientific conferences, competitions of diploma projects and other events.
Both bachelors and masters work closely on projects: they conduct experiments, analyze the results and propose solutions. Students are, of course, assistants to teachers, because as the proverb says: "One is not a warrior in the field."
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