The university will present new projects at the REC platforms meeting

In Russia, much attention is paid to scientific activities.
One of the tasks of the national project "Science" is the creation in the Russian Federation of a network of world-class scientific and educational centers. According to this project, Russia should enter the five leading countries of the world carrying out research and development in areas determined by the priorities of scientific and technological development. A world-class scientific and educational center (REC) is an unincorporated association of federal state educational institutions of higher education and (or) scientific organizations with organizations operating in the real sector of the economy, supported by a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, and operating in accordance with the program of the center.
As a reminder, Russian President Vladimir Putin noted: “For a powerful technological development, we need to build a modern research and development model.
That is why we are creating scientific and educational centers in the regions, which are designed to integrate all levels of education, the capabilities of scientific organizations and business. Within three years, such centers should be created in 15 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including the first five this year, three of them - in the Tyumen, Belgorod regions and the Perm region - are in a high degree of readiness. " On the territory of the Belgorod Region, the REC “Innovative Solutions in the Agroindustrial Complex” functions, which promotes the accelerated digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex of the region, the improvement of the professional training system and the enhancement of the prestige of Russian agricultural education and agricultural science in the world.
At the Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov has already successfully implemented 4 projects within the REC: "Industrial complex for deep processing of vegetable oils based on innovative technology of controlled organic synthesis"; "Creation of high-tech large-scale production of animal protein from fly larvae"; "Creation of an integrated technology for processing gypsum-containing waste from industrial enterprises"; "Resource-energy-saving innovative technology for the integrated processing of MSW of the full technological cycle of waste management, with the receipt of various types of marketable products and electrical energy." At a working meeting of the science department of the department of internal and personnel policy of the region and scientists of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov, new developments were presented for implementation in the program of the world-class REC "Innovative solutions in the agro-industrial complex." University representatives made a presentation of three projects developed jointly with companies in the region. The first one is "Reducing emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere with the treatment and disposal of manure and technological waste by means of bioremediation at pig farms of the agro-industrial complex" Its implementation will allow solving environmental problems associated with the accumulation and processing of waste from livestock enterprises. The project provides for the creation of a cost-effective technology for bioremediation of waste from pig farms and a new generation of biological products for bioremediation for a specific agro-industrial complex. The second project is “Energy- and resource-saving technology for the production of low-clinker hydraulic binder based on metallurgical slag”. The third on the topic "Digital transformation of food production". All works were approved and will be presented at the platform meeting.
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