Rehab after COVID-19 at BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov

The flagshipuniversity of the Belgorod region has a program of recovery after a coronavirus infection. There was a rehabilitation program for students and university staff before, but it was aimed solely at eliminating the consequences after suffering colds. During the period of the spread of coronavirus infection at the Belgorod State Technological University. V.G. Shukhov, a recovery program was developed for employees, teachers and university students who have already suffered from this disease.
Complications from COVID-19 are more dangerous than the disease itself. First of all, it is the respiratory function that suffers. The program was developed with the support of the university administration headed by the rector Sergey Glagolev and the trade union committee headed by Georgy Golikov. “It's hard for employees to find time in their work schedule to go to the clinic for rehabilitation procedures. Therefore, the university has developed its own program, in which you can take part without interrupting the work process, ”emphasizes Marina Olegovna Semenenko, chief physician of the region’s flagship university.
Within two weeks, any employee and teacher of the university, faced with a dangerous virus, can undergo a rehabilitation course within the walls of their own university. The program includes several stages. At the first stage - preliminary, the therapist examines the patient and determines the initial state of the patient. For this, an electrocardiogram is performed, blood saturation is measured and the patient is interviewed to draw up an anamnesis. At the second stage, physiotherapeutic treatment, massage, vitamin therapy and herbal medicine are prescribed.
Physiotherapy uses a unique technology of general magnetic therapy, which enhances the immune system and the body's defenses. Massage of the chest in a draining position is widely used. It is used to improve blood circulation and improve lung drainage. Also, for all participants in the rehabilitation program, medical nutrition is provided at the Combine BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. The Department of Physical Education, under the leadership of Sergei Kramskoy, developed a program for physiotherapy exercises.
The program consists of several breathing exercises, which can be performed after some preparation and consultation with a physiotherapy physician. Exercises can be performed both in the sanatorium during rehabilitation procedures, and at your workplace during the day. The full implementation of the rehabilitation program began at the university on January 11, 2021, which was justified by the stabilization of the epidemiological situation in the BSTU named after I. V.G. Shukhov. Prior to this, the university sanatorium-preventorium served as a hospital, in which patients were received, smears were taken and treatment was prescribed. At the moment, 10 employees and teachers of the university are undergoing treatment, who have received complications after suffering from COVID-19 disease.
All patients are monitored by a therapist of the university, who monitors the dynamics of recovery of human health. For a comprehensive treatment, the patient must devote at least one hour a day to restorative procedures. If, after two weeks of treatment, a second course of rehabilitation procedures is required, then the patient will receive it in at least three months. “Today it is important for each team to show concern for their employees. The university has all the capabilities that can be used for rehabilitation after such a serious illness.
More than 400,000 rubles were spent only by the trade union committee of the BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov for the rehabilitation of students and staff after an illness, ”emphasized the chairman of the joint trade union committee of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov Golikov Georgy Georgievich.
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