The university is preparing to create a concept of humanitarian expertise of technological projects

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin approved the program of fundamental scientific research until 2030. The main objectives of this program are to develop the intellectual potential of Russian science and create an effective management system for scientific research to increase their relevance and importance for the economy. Collaborations of RAS institutes with higher education institutions are encouraged within the framework of the program. The Department of Theory and Methodology of Science of the flagship university organized a scientific and practical online seminar "Problems and methodological approaches to the humanitarian examination of technological projects."

The seminar was held in cooperation with the sector of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and other Russian universities. Scientists discussed many topics, including those included in the program of fundamental and exploratory research. The main topic of the seminar is "The relevance of a creative person and the onset of the era of artificial intelligence." The purpose of the online meeting is to prepare the basis for the creation of the concept of humanitarian expertise of technologies and an inter-institutional center for humanitarian expertise.

Ethical principles, humanitarian criteria for evaluating technological projects are now both a social order and a fundamental problem. The task is to create grounds for bringing the criteria for evaluating technologies, including information ones, to the regulatory level (following the example of bioethics). Many scientists from the flagship university took an active part in the seminar. Vladislav Sheleketa, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Science, was the organizer of the event and called on the participants for closer cooperation based on the creation of evaluation criteria and their implementation into AI systems.

Mikhail Ignatov, professor of the Department of Computer Science and Technology, revealed the relevance of solving these problems in the modern information space. Head of the Department of Expertise and Real Estate Management Andrei Naumov pointed to the possibility of cooperation between technical and humanitarian universities on the issue of comprehensive technology assessment. Post-graduate students of the Department of Thermal and Medical Sciences also made reports. The meeting was attended by the head of the Department of Ethics, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov A. Razin, employees of the sector of humanitarian expertise of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences O. Popova and P. Tishchenko, as well as representatives of universities in other cities, who made reports on the prospects for algorithmic technologies.

The seminar identified plans for further joint work to create a resolution of criteria for the humanitarian assessment of technologies in the framework of cooperation with business structures, committees and authorities on orders for expertise and the creation of a legal basis for assessing newly emerging technologies.

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